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Navies und ihre Schiffe

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Ukrainian People's Republic navy (1917-1921), effective 10.1917-3.1918

Ekaterina II class
Georgii Pobedonosets

Sinop 1890 (1/1250), Georgiy Pobedonosets 1893
Imperatritsa Mariya class
Imperatritsa Ekaterina Velikaya, Volya (ex Imperator Aleksandr III)

Imperatritza Maria 1915, Wolya ex Imperator Alexander III (1/1250)
Bogatyr class
Pamiat Merkuria

Bogatyr (1/1250),
Bausatzkandidat: (Bogatyr+Oleg+Ochakov by Kombrig), Ähnlicher Typ Aurora (late)
Svetlana class
Krasnyi Krym

Bausatzkandidat: Pravda proposal as fast minelayer by COB on Shapeways, to be scaled
Zavidnyi class (Pushchin class)
Zvonkiy, Zorkiy

Zhutkiy 1905, Ähnlicher Typ Boikyi 1902 (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ Bedovy 1902
Ukraina class

Ukraina (1/1250)
Gaidamak class

Ähnlicher Typ Emir Bucharsky (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ SMS Magnet kuk 1900
9 BB
7 C
18 DD
14 SS
16 patrols

Ukrainian division of the Black Sea Fleet (1991-1997), Crimea crisis 2014

Varying parts of the black sea fleet belonged to Ukraine, negotiated / sold parts to Russia, but never really financed the ships. 2014 most captured by Russia (see )

Ukraine Navy 2022

Krivak III class
F130 Hetman Sahaydachniy † scuttled

Krivak I, Krivak III Pj 11351
Grisha class
A206 Vinnytsia museum ship, damaged by Russia †

Grisha/Albatros Klasse 1970 (1/1250), MPK-44
Sorum class
Sea going tugs. P186 Korets (captured) by Russia
Island class
P190 Sloviansk (ex USCGC Cushing) † , P191 Starobilsk (exUSCGC Drummond), P192 Sumy (ex USCGC Ocracoke), P193 Fastiv (ex UCGC Washington)

USCGC Island Class
Matka class (206MR)
Patrols ex missile boat
Zhuk 1400M class
Polnocny-C Pj 773
Juri Olefirenko Landing ship
Ondatra (1176 Akula) class
Yevgenya 1258 class
Planned Ships
Oliver H. Perry class

USS Oliver H. Perry FFG-7
Sandown class

HMS Sandown
Volodymyr Velykyi class
4 under construction
Ada (Milgem) class
Barzan class
like Super Vita for Qatar

Roussen class, Super Vita
Donated Ships while the war
Tripartite class
ex Belgian minehunter Narcis M923 (will undergo full maintenance before donation (2024)


Nicht zugeordnet


Pauk class 1241.2 Molniya-2
Patrol Corvette Version der Tarantul-Klasse

Pauk class 1241.2 Molniya-2, Ähnlicher Typ Tarantul I/II oder Pauk

Minensucher (ggf. Geleiter/Kanonenboot)

T43 class Pj 254

PLA 6610 early Ocean Minesweeper

kleine Kampfboote


KFK Kriegsfischkutter (1943/45)
Project 1400 Zhuk
Grenzschutzboot/Patrouillenboot, Bewaffnungsvarianten 0/1/2 Doppel-Mg/Mk. Einsätze im 2.Golfkrieg und Abchasisch-Georgischer Krieg

Project 1400 Zhuk,
Bausatzkandidat: Project 1400 announced by Kombrig 2021
Tarantul 1241.1

Tarantul, Tarantul I/II oder Pauk, Tarantul I 1241RE Hiddensee


Foxtrot class Pj641

Foxtrot class Pj641


Gorch Fock class

Gorch Fock (1/600), Gorch Fock (1/600)


Pj 498 Tug

Umman / Pj 498 Tug

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