Navies und ihre Schiffe
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L'Ocean classCommerce de Marseille
États de Bourgogne
Dauphin Royal, renamed Sans Culotte 1792 and then Orient 1795
Vengeur,Renamed Impérial 1805
Ships of the second (modified) group often referred to as the Austerlitz class. Some converted to sail&steam
Impérial, renamed Royal Louis 1814, reverted to Impérial 1815 and then again to Royal Louis on 15 July 1815
Louis XIV (1857 steam)
Sans Pareil
Friedland (1857 steam not finished)
Souverain (1857 steam)
L'Orient Téméraire classDesign von Jacques-Noël Sané. 107 Einheiten 1782-1813 fertig gestellt, einige auch für Österreich und die Niederlande. Einige von den Briten eroberte führten zu den Kopien der HMS Pompée- und America-Klassen.
(677)(678)(679)Téméraire, Audacieux, Superbe, Généreux, Commerce de Bordeaux, Ferme, Fougueux, Patriote, Commerce de Marseille, Borée, Orion, Léopard, Entreprenant, Impétueux, Apollon, América, Duguay-Trouin, Aquilon, Duquesne, Tourville, Éole, Jupiter, Vengeur, Jean Bart, Scipion, Thésée, Pyrrhus, Suffren, Thémistocle, Trajan, Nestor, Pompée, Tigre, Tyrannicide, Barra, Droits de l'Homme, Jemmapes, Lion, Wattignies, Dix-août, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Viala, Hercule, Spartiate, Argonaute, Quatorze Juillet, Brutus, Union, Aigle, Redoutable, Héros, Scipion, Magnanime, Achille, Lion, Régulus, Ajax, Courageux, d'Hautpoult, Inflexible, Triomphant, Polonais, Tonerre, Danube, Ulm, Gloymin, Nestor, Marengo, Trident, Trajan, Agamemnon, Gaulois, Romulus, Ville de Marseille, Scipion, Orion, Colosse, Superbe, Brillant, Hercule, Duc de Berry, Jean Bart, Triton, Couronne, Généreux, Capri, Gioacchino, Vétéran (Große Variante), Cassard (Große Variante), Suffren (Kurze Variante), Algésiras (Kurze Variante), Pluton, Borrée, Génois, Royal Hollandais, Commerce de Lyon, Charlemagne, Anversois, Duguesclin, César, Ville de Berlin, Pultusk, Dantzig, Albanais, Breslau, Dalmate, Rivoli, Montebello, Mont Saint-Bernard, Régénérateur, Audacieux, Castiglione, Polyphème, Royal Italien, Couronne, Piet Hein, Montenotte, Arcole, Lombardo, Semmering, Citoyen
Héros 1805
screw ship of the line 1850-1876
screw ship of the line 1851-1867
screw ship of the line 1852-1872
Jean Bart
screw ship of the line 1852-1869
screw ship of the line 1852-1867
screw ship of the line 1853-1867
screw ship of the line 1853-1869
Prince Jerome
screw ship of the line 1853-1872
screw ship of the line 1853-1872
screw ship of the line 1854-1873
Souverainscrew ship of the line 1854-1882
L'Orient Ulm
screw ship of the line 1854-1867
screw ship of the line 1854-1867
screw ship of the line 1855-1869
screw ship of the line 1855-1870
screw ship of the line 1855-1866
screw ship of the line 1855-1869
screw ship of the line 1856-1877
Friedlandscrew ship of the line 1856-1865
L'Orient Imperial
screw ship of the line 1856-1869
screw ship of the line 1856-1872
screw ship of the line 1857-1877
screw ship of the line 1857-1872
Louis XIVscrew ship of the line 1857-1880
L'Orient Donawerth
screw ship of the line 1858-1880. In honor of the battle of Donauwörth
screw ship of the line 1858-1872
screw ship of the line 1858-1881
St Louis
screw ship of the line 1858-1881
screw ship of the line 1858-1875
Ville de Nantes
screw ship of the line 1858-1872
Ville de Paris
screw ship of the line 1858-1882
screw ship of the line 1859-1867
screw ship of the line 1860-1872
screw ship of the line 1860-1881
screw ship of the line 1860-1879
Ville de Bordeaux
screw ship of the line 1860-1879
Ville de Lyon
screw ship of the line 1861-1883
Devastation class
screw floating battery 1855-1871 mainly built for crim war. Dévastation, Tonnante, Lave, Foudroyante, Congrève
Gloire classbroadside ironclad
Gloire 1860-1879, Invincible 1862-1872, Normandie 1862-1871
La Gloire 1860 Couronnebroadside ironclad 1862-1910, half-sister of Gloire: optically very similar, but iron hull
Ähnlicher Typ
La Gloire 1860 Palestro class
floating battery
Palestro 1862-1871, Paixhans 1863-1871, Peiho 1862-1869, Saigon 1862-1871
Magenta classbroadside ironclad, only with 2 gundecks!
Magenta 1862-1875, Solferino 1862-1882
Solferino 1867 Arrogante classfloating battery
Arrogante 1865-1881, Implacable 1864-1884, Opiniatre 1865-1885
Arrogante 1864 Provence class
broadside ironclad
Provence 1865-1884, Flandre 1865-1886, Magnanime 1865-1882, Savoie 1865-1888, Heroine 1865-1894, Gauloise 1867-1883, Guyenne 1866-1882, Revanche 1867-1893, Surveillante 1867-1890, Valeureuse 1867-1886
Embuscade class
floating battery
Embuscade 1866-1885, Imprenable 1868-1882, Protectrice 1867-1889, Refuge 1866-1884
armoured ram 1866-1890
Rochambeauironclad 1867-1872 ex US Dunderberg, 2-masted-version of CSS Virginia (Merrimack)
Bausatzkandidat: Dunderberg by Kombrig, Ähnlicher Typ
Merrimack / CSS Virginia 1862 BelliqueuseArmored Corvette (broadside ironclad) 1866-1886
Ähnlicher Stil
Triomphante 1884 Alma classironclad corvettes 1867-1891. Alma, Armide, Atalante, Jeanne d'Arc, Montcalm, Reine Blanche, Thétis
Ähnlicher Stil
Triomphante 1884 Cerbere class
armoured ram
Cerbere 1868-1887, Belier 1872-1896, Bouledogoue 1873-1897, Tigre 1874-1892
Ocean class
central battery ship
Ocean 1870-1894, Marengo 1872-1896, Suffren 1875-1897
Friedland class
central battery ship
Friedland 1876-1902
La Galissonnière classcentral battery ironclad (armoured corvette); La Galissonière 1874-1894; Victorieuse 1876-1900; Triomphante 1880-1896/1903
Triomphante 1884 Bayard classBarbette Ironclad (armoured corvette); Bayard 1883-1898 then hulk -1910; Turenne -1901
Bayard 1884 Richelieu class
central battery ship
Richelieu 1876-1901
Colbert class
central battery ship
Colbert 1877-1900, Trident 1878-1904
Bausatzkandidat: Trident, Colbert announced by Kombrig on FB 07.2021
Redoutable class
central battery ship
Redoutable 1878-1910
Tonnerre class
breastwork monitor
Tonnerre 1879-1905, Fulminant 1882-1908
Tempete class
breastwork monitor
Tempete 1879-1907, Vengeur 1882-1905
Tonnant class
coast defence barbette ship
Tonnant 1884-1904
Bausatzkandidat: Tonnant by Kombrig
Courbet class
central battery ship
Courbet 1886-1910, Devastation 1882-1922
Amiral Duperre classbarbette ship
Amiral Duperre 1883-1909
Amiral Duperre Furieux class
coast defence barbette ship
Furieux 1887-1913
Terrible classbarbette ship
Terrible 1887-1911, Caiman 1888-1927, Indomptable 1887-1927, Requin 1888-1920
Caiman 1885 Amiral Baudin classbarbette ship, based on Amiral Duperre design, only one front barbette, later middle barbette removed
Amiral Baudin 1888-1909, Formidable 1889-1921
Ähnlicher Typ
Amiral Duperre Hoche classhybrid turret/barbette ship
Hoche 1890-1913
Hoche 1893 Marceau classbarbette ironclads. Marceau 1887-1922, Magenta 1890-1911, Neptune 1887-1913
Spanish Pelayo based on Marceau class
Ähnlicher Typ
Pelayo Jemmapes class
coast defence ship
Jemmapes 1894-1911, Valmy 1894-1911
Bouvines class
coast defence ship
Bouvines 1894-1920, Amiral Trehouart 1896-1922
Charles Martel groupGroup of several similar half-sisters:
Charles Martel 1897-1922, Carnot 1897-1922, Jaureguiberry 1897-1934, Masséna 1898-1915, Bouvet 1898-1915
Bouvet Charlemagne classCharlemagne 1899-1920, St Louis 1900-1933, Gaulois 1899-1906
Gaulois 1896 IenaIéna derived from Charlemagne class (enlarged);1902-1907 magazine explosion
Ähnlicher Typ
Gaulois 1896 SuffrenSuffren 1903-1916 originally based on Iena, then more modifications like middle artillery in turrets
Ähnlicher Typ
Gaulois 1896 Liberte classRepeat of Republique class
Liberte 1908-1911, Democratie 1908-1921, Justice 1908-1922, Verite 1908-1922
Verité (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ
Patrie 1906 Danton classDanton 1911-1917, Condorcet 1911-1931, Diderot 1911-1936, Voltaire 1911-1935, Mirabeau 1911-1921, Vergniaud 1911-1921
Danton Lyon class, not ordered
Lyon ;---, Lille ;---, Duquesne ;---, Tourville ;---
Bausatzkandidat: Lyon 1/700 by COB/Shapeways
Helgoland BB classWar prize SMS Thüringen 1919; 1923-1933 Zielschiff
SMS Oldenburg Dunkerque classDunkerque 1937-1942, Strasbourg 1938-1942
Strasbourg Richelieu classRichelieu 1940-1959, Jean Bart 1955-1960, Clemenceau ;-1939-1940
Richelieu 1943 Gascogne class; cancelledGascogne ;-1940--, 2more. Originally part of the Richelieu class. Mount B was to be placed on the stern
Gascogne 1938
torpedo boat carrying cruiser
1896 as cruiser / tender of T-Boats. 1907 repair ship 1910 minelayer 1911 seaplane carrier (1st world-wide)
1916 submarine tender, seaplane transport, headquarter ship
1918 aviation school 1921 scrapped
Bausatzkandidat: Foudre 1/700 by Yumematu similar
WWI Conversions
Seaplane carriers converted from Passenger Liners 1915-1919. Campinas, Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Rouen
Arras classSeaplane tender Belfort 1919-1935 Gunboat, Aviso then Aircraft Tender 1940 after Dunkirk captured by Royal Navy, end 1940 passed to Free French 1947 scuttled
Belfort 1939/40 Sans Souci class
frz. Tender "Sans Souci" class planned as Seaplane Tender 1940. Captured by Germany, finished as Flugsicherungsboote, then converted to Schnelle Geleitboote. Partially after war as Frigates.
SG1 ex Jupiter/Merkur ex Sans Souci
SG2 ex Saturn/Uranus "SANS REPROCHE"
SG3 ex Uranus/Saturn "SANS PAREIL"
SG4 ex Merkur/Jupiter "SANS PEUR"
Bausatzkandidat: SG 1 ex Sans Peur 1/1250 by Seestern at pamoty
Joffre class: construction stopped
Joffre ;-1938-1940; Painleve and 1 more not started
PA28 class
Clemenceau ;-1947-1950
Casa Grande class LPDFoudre 1952-1970 ex Greeck Okeanos ex HMS Oceanway (1943)
USS Comstock LSD-19 Clemenceau PA54 classClemenceau R98 1961-1997, Foch R99 1963-2000, 2000-2018 Brasilien as São Paulo
Clemenceau R98 (1/1750) PA58 class; cancelled
Verdun ;-1961--
Ouragan class LPD
Ouragan, Orage; 1965-2007
Bausatzkandidat: TCD Orage by Waterline Ship Models on Shapeways
Foudre class LPDFoudre 1990-2011 sold to Chile as Sargento Aldea, Siroco 1998-2015 sold to Brazil as Bahia
Sirocco L9012 Mistral classamphibischer Hubschrauberträger, Mistral, 2005-; Tonnerre 2006-; Dixmude 2012-; 2 more planned for Russia - because of embargo not delivered. Sold to Egypt. Gamal Abdel Nasser ex Wladiwostok, Anwar al-Sadat ex Sewastopol
Mistral class PANG
Porte-avions de nouvelle génération. Build planned to start 2025, in service planned 2038
Dupuy de Lome classarmoured cruiser
Dupuy de Lome 1895-1912, sold to Peru 1912, not paid, not delivered. 1918 converted as cargo, BU 1923
Dupuy de Lome 1890 Amiral Charner classarmoured cruiser, smaller variant of Dupuy de Lome
Amiral Charner 1894-1916, Latouche-Treville 1894-1919, Chanzy 1894-1907, Bruix 1896-1920
Amiral Charner 1894 Foudre
torpedo boat carrying cruiser
1896 as cruiser / tender of T-Boats. 1907 repair ship 1910 minelayer 1911 seaplane carrier (1st world-wide)
1916 submarine tender, seaplane transport, headquarter ship
1918 aviation school 1921 scrapped
Bausatzkandidat: Foudre 1/700 by Yumematu
Pothuau class
armoured cruiser
Pothuau 1897-1919
Bausatzkandidat: Pothuau announced 11/2021 by Kombrig on FB
Gueydon classarmoured cruiser, slightly smaller version of Jeanne d'Arc, 4 funnels
Gueydon 1903-1928, Montcalm 1902-1934, Dupetit Thouars 1903-1918
Montcalm 1902 Dupleix classarmoured cruiser
Dupleix 1903-1919, Desaix 1904-1921, Kleber 1904-1917
Dupleix 1903 Gloire classarmoured cruiser, variant of Gueydon class
Gloire 1904-1922, Marseillaise 1903-1925, Conde 1904-1933, Amiral Aube 1902-1922, Sully 1903-1905
Ähnlicher Typ
Montcalm 1902 Leon Gambetta classarmoured cruiser
Leon Gambetta 1905-1915, Jules Ferry 1905-1927, Victor Hugo 1907-1928
Jules Ferry 1903 (1/1250),
Bausatzkandidat: Gambetta 1/700 by Yumematu
Jules Michelet classarmoured cruiser
Jules Michelet 1908-1931
Ähnlicher Typ
Jules Ferry 1903 (1/1250),
Bausatzkandidat: Gambetta 1/700 by Yumematu similar
Edgar Quinet classarmoured cruiser
Edgar Quinet 1911-1927, Waldeck Rousseau 1911-1936
Waldeck-Rousseau 1911
Armoriqueunprotected screw corvette (cruiser)
Ähnlicher Typ
Yu Yuen …
Decres class
unprotected cruiser
Decres 1868-1890
Desaix class
unprotected cruiser
Desaix 1868-1894
Limier classunprotected cruiser
Limier 1868-1887, D'Estrees 1869-1891, Hamelin 1868-1889, L'Hermitte 1869-1874, Volta 1869-1892
Volta 1884 Chateaurenault class
unprotected cruiser
Chateaurenault 1869-1895
Linois class
unprotected cruiser
Linois 1868-1891
Infernet class
unprotected cruiser
Infernet 1871-1891, Champlain 1874-1893, Dupetit-Thouars 1876-1897, Laclocheterie 1874-1901
Sane class
unprotected cruiser
Sane 1872-1892, Fabert 1876-1899, Seignelay 1876-1892
Bourayne class
unprotected cruiser
Bourayne 1870-1890, Beuatemps-Beaupre 1874-1896, Dayot 1870-1888, Duchaffault 1874-1896, Ducouedic 1872-1889, Hugon 1874-1896, Kerguelen 1874-1894, Kersaint 1872-1886, Segond 1872-18896, Vaudreuil 1873-1889
Hirondelle class
unprotected cruiser
Hirondelle 1873-1896
Rigault de Genouilly class
unprotected cruiser
Rigault de Genouilly 1878-1899, Eclaireur 1879-1902
Duquesne class
unprotected cruiser
Duquesne 1878-1901
Tourville class
unprotected cruiser
Tourville 1877-1901
La Perouse classunprotected cruiser
La Perouse 1880-1898, D'Estaing 1881-1901, Nielly 1882-1902, Primauguet 1884-1901
La Perouse 1884 Villars class
unprotected cruiser
Villars 1881-1896, Forfait 1880-1897, Magon 1882-1896, Roland 1885-1898
Iphigenie class
unprotected cruiser
Iphigenie 1883-1905
Naiade class
unprotected cruiser
Naiade 1882-1900
Arethuse class
unprotected cruiser
Arethuse 1885-1899
Dubourdieu class
unprotected cruiser
Dubourdieu 1886-1899
Milan classunprotected cruiser
Japan-built derivatives: Milan 1885-1908 (in Japan see Yaeyama, Miyako)
Yaeyama 1892 Sfax class
protected cruiser
Sfax 1887-1906
Forbin class
protected cruiser
Forbin 1889-19.., Sourcouf 1890-1921, Coetlogon 1894-1906
Bausatzkandidat: Forbin announced by Kombrig on FB 12.07.2022
Tage class
protected cruiser
Tage 1890-1910
Amiral Cecille class
protected cruiser
Amiral Cecille 1890-1919
Troude class
protected cruiser
Troude 1891-1908, Lalande 1890-1912, Cosmao 1891-1922
Davout class
protected cruiser
Davout 1891-1910
Suchet class
protected cruiser
Suchet 1894-1906
Alger classprotected cruiser
Alger 1891-1911, Jean Bart 1891-1907, Isly 1893-1914
Jean Bart 1891 Friant classprotected cruiser
Friant 1895-1918, Chasseloup Laubat 1895-1911, Bugeaud 1896-1907
Friant 1899 Linois class
protected cruiser
Linois 1895-1910, Galilee 1897-1911, Lavoisier 1898-1920
Descartes class
protected cruiser
Descartes 1896-1920, Pascal 1897-1911
Du Chayla class
protected cruiser
Du Chayla 1898-1921, D'Assas 1898-1910, Cassard 1898-1919
Catinat class
protected cruiser
Catinat 1898-1911, Protet 1899-1910
Guichen class
protected cruiser
Guichen 1899-1922
Bausatzkandidat: Gishan by Yumematu
D'Estrees class
protected cruiser
D'Estrees 1899-1922, Infernet 1900-1910
Chateaurenault class
protected cruiser
Chateaurenault 1902-1917
Bausatzkandidat: Chateaurenault announced by Kombrig 03.10.2022 on FB
Jurien de la Graviere class
protected cruiser
Jurien de la Graviere 1903-1922
Lamotte-Picquet class
light cruiser
Lamotte Picquet -1915--, 2 unnamed ---
Duquesne classheavy cruiser
Duquesne 1928-1955, Tourville 1928-1962
Duquesne Suffren classheavy cruiser
Suffren 1930-1962, Colbert 1931-1942, Foch 1931-1942, Dupleix 1932-1942
Colbert 1942 (1/1250) Pluton classminelying cruiser
Pluton 1939:(La Tour d'Auvergne) 1932-1939
Pluton 1939 La Galissonnière classlight cruiser
La Galissonniere 1936-1942, then Italy FR12, then Germany; Jean de Vienne 1937-1942, then Italy FR11, then Germany; Marseillaise 1937-1942, Gloire 1937-1958, Montcalm 1937-1959, Georges Leygues ex Chateaurenault 1937-1959
very similar to Emile Bertin
Georges Leygues (1945) C5 program / St. Louis class, not finished
heavy cruiser
St Louis and 2 more. Names out of Saint-Louis, Henri IV, Charlemagne, Brennus, Charles Martel and Vercingetorix
Bausatzkandidat: SA1 and Saint Louis by COB on Shapeways
(680) Arbalete class(similar Epee, but 2 funnels!) Carabine 1902-1919, Mousquet 1902-1914 + durch SMS Emden, Javeline 1902-1920, Harpon 1902-1921, Mousqueton 1902-1920, Arquebuse 1902-1920, Sagaie 1902-1920, Fronde 1902-1918, Epieu 1903-1921, Sarbacane 1903-1920, Catapulte 1903-1918, Arbalete 1903-1920, Belier 1903-1921, Pistolet 1903-1919, Bombarde 1903-1920, Dard 1903-1919, Baliste 1903-1919, Arc 1903-1920, Francisque 1904-1921, Sabre 1904-1921
Ähnlicher Typ
Framee 1900 (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ
Vnimatelni (1900), Ähnlicher Typ
Sokol (1902) Claymore class"350ts destroyer". Claymore 1906-1921, Stylet 1905-1921, Tromblon 1905-1921, Obusier 1906-1921, Mortier 1906-1927, Fleuret 1906-1920, Coutelas 1907-1921, Pierrier 1910-1921, Carquois 1907-1930, Cognee 1907-1921, Trident 1907-1931, Hache 1908-1921, Massue 1908-1919
Claymore 1906 (1/1250) Branlebas class
Branlebas 1908-1915, Sape 1908-1926, Fanfare 1908-1925, Gabion 1908-1921, Sabretache 1908-1920, Etendard 1909-1917, Oriflamme 1909-1921, Fanion 1909-1921, Glaive 1909-1932, Poignard 1910-1926
Spahi classSpahi 1909-1927, Hussard 1909-1922, Carabinier 1909-1918, Lansquenet 1910-1928, Mameluk 1910-1928, Enseigne Henry 1913-1928, Aspirant Herbert 1913-1930
Spahi 1910 (1/1250),
Bausatzkandidat: Vive la resistance class (Phantasie name) announced by Kombrig 03.09.2022 on FB
Voltigeur class
Voltigeur 1910-1920, Tirailleur 1910-1921
Chasseur classChasseur 1910-1919, Actee 1910-1914, Fantassin 1910-1916, Janissaire 1911-1920, Cavalier 1911-1914
Chasseur 1919 (1/1250),
Bausatzkandidat: Vive la resistance class (Phantasie name) announced by Kombrig 03.09.2022 on FB
Bouclier classBouclier 1911-1933, Boutefeu 1911-1917, Casque 1911-1926, Cimeterre 1911-1926, Commandant Bory 1912-1926, Capitaine Mehl 1912-1926, Commandant Riviere 1912-1933, Dague 1911-1915, Dehorter 1912-1933, Faulx 1911-1918, Fourche 1911-1916, Francis Garnier 1913-1926
Casque 1910 (1/1250) Bisson classEnlarged, more standardized Bouclier. Bisson 1913-1933, Renaudin 1913-1916, Commandant Lucas 1914-1933, Protet 1914-1921, Mangini 1914-1934, Magon 1914-1926
Ähnlicher Typ
Casque 1910 (1/1250) San Luis classFrance took over the 4 Greek destroyers and passed them back 1917: Aetos, Ierax, Panthir, Leon
Aetos (1/1250) Enseigne Roux mod class
Enseigne Gabolde 1923-1938 with 3rd superfiring 10cm gun forward
Kaba class / Algerien classAlgerien 1917-1936, Annamite 1917-1933, Arabe 1917-1936, Bambara 1917-1933, Hova 1917-1936, Kabyle 1917-1936, Marocain 1917-1935, Sakalave 1917-1936, Senegalais 1917-1936, Somali 1917-1936, Tonkinois 1917-1936, Touareg 1917-1935
Ähnlicher Typ
Sakura (1914), Ähnlicher Typ
Tachibana (1912),
Kaba 1915 (1/1250) Großes Torpedoboot 1913Pierre Durand ex V 79 1916;1920-1933
SMS G37 Großes Torpedoboot 1916 MBuino ex V 130 1917;1920-1933; Chastang ex S133 1917;1920-1933, Vesco ex S134 1917;1920-1935, Mazare ex S135 1917;1920-1935, Deligny ex S139 1917;1920-1933; Rageot de la Touche ex H146 1918;1920-1935, Marcel Delage ex H147 1918;1920-1933
SMS V125 (1/1250) Jaguar class / Chacal classJaguar 1926-1940, Lynx 1927-1942, Tigre 1926;1926 1943-1942 1947, Chacal 1926-1940, Leopard 1927-1943, Panthere 1927-1942
Panthere (1940) Simoun class / Bourrasque ClassSimoun 1926-1950, Typhon 1928-1942, Orage 1927-1940, Tramontane 1928-1942, Ouragan 1927;1927 1941 Poland: ORP OF Ouragan, then Free French under HMS sign 1944-1940
1943 1949, Cyclone 1928-1940 dt. ZF4, Tornade 1928-1942, Tempete 1926-1950, Mistral 1928;1928 captured by GB, then Free French 1945-1940 1950, Bourrasque 1926-1940, Sirocco 1928-1940, Trombe 1927;1927 ital. FR31 1943- 1942 1946
Simoun (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ
ORP Burza (1936) L'Alcyon classL'Alcyon 1926-1952, La Palme 1926-1942, Le Mars 1926-1942, La Railleuse 1926-1940, Le Fortune 1926-1950, L'Adroit 1927-1940, Brestois 1927-1942, Bordelais 1927-1942, Boulonnais 1927-1942, Forbin 1928-1952, Fougueux 1928-1942, Foudroyant 1929-1940, Basque 1929-1952, Frondeur 1929-1942
Fougueux (1/1250) Guepard classGuepard 1929-1942, Valmy 1930-1942, Verdun 1930-1942, Bison 1931-1940, Lion 1931-1942, Vauban 1931-1942
Guepard (1942) Gerfaut classGerfaut 1932-1942, Albatros 1932;1932 1946-1944 1947, Vautour 1932-1942, Aigle 1932-1942, Epervier 1934-1942, Milan 1934-1942
Milan (1942) Vauquelin classVauquelin 1934-1942, Cassard 1933-1942, Maille-Breze 1934-1940, Kersaint 1934-1942, Tartu 1933-1942, Chevalier Paul 1934-1941
Tartu (1942) Le Malin class / Le FantasqueLe Malin 1933-1955, Le Terrible 1936-1957, L'Indomptable 1936-1942, L'Audacieux 1936-1942, Le Fantasque 1936-1957, Le Triomphant 1936-1954
Le Terrible (1945),
Le Triomphant (1943) Le Hardi classLe Hardi 1940-1942, Fleuret 1941:Foudroyant 1940-1942, L'Epee 1941:L'Adroit 1940-1942; Nov.42: Italy FR 33; Oct.43 Germany, Casque 1940-1942, Lansquenet 1940-1942, Mameluk 1940-1942, Bison ex Le Flibustier -1939;--1942, Sirocco ex Le Corsaire 1941-1942
Lansquenet L'Intrepide class
L'Intrepide -1941;--1942, Le Temeraire -1941;--1942, L'Aventurier planned as German ZF7 -1947;--1940, L'Opiniatre planned as German ZF6, then ZF2 -1939;--1940
Intrepide class originally was planned with new armament, but then returned to Le Hardi design
L'Intrepide class; reordered as Hoche class
L'Eveille ;-- , L'Alerte ;-- , L'Inconstant ;-- , L'Espiegle ;-- ; originally planned as Le Hardi variants, then reordered as Mogador based Hoche class
Hoche class (improved Mogador class)
Hoche ;-- , Desaix ;-- , Kleber ;-- , Marceau ;-- ; 6 more planned, not ordered
1936 A classHoche ex Z25 1940;1947-1953, Leopard ex Z23 1940;-1945-1951
Z28 (1945) 1936 A (Mob) classMarceau ex Z31 1942;1946-1958, Q 128 ex Z39 1942;-1945-1953
Z37 Soldati II classDuperre ex Velite 1941;1948-1961, Duchaffault ex Legionario 1941;1948-1954, Jurien de la Graviere ex Mitragliere 1941;1948-1956
Camicia Nera Capitani Romani classTeils als leichte Kreuzer (siehe dort) bezeichnet, teils als Flottillenführer/Zerstörer. Basiert auf SU Tashkent
Chateaurenault ex Attilio Regolo 1940;1948-1962, Guichen ex Scipione Africano 1941;1948-1961
Scipione Africano (1943) T 47 (Surcouf) classSurcouf 1955-1971, Kersaint 1956-1983, Cassard 1956-1974, Bouvet 1956-1982, Dupetit-Thouars 1956-1988, Chevalier Paul 1956-1971, Maille-Breze 1957-1988, Vauquelin 1956-1986, D'Estrees 1957-1985, Du Chayla 1957-1958, Casabianca 1957-1984, Guepratte 1957-1985
Surcouf T47B T 53 (Duperre) classImproved T47. Duperre 1957;1957 1974-1967 1992, La Bourdonnais 1958-1976, Forbin 1958-1973, Tartu 1958-1979, Jaureguiberry 1958-1977
Ähnlicher Typ
Surcouf T47B,
Bausatzkandidat: Duperré mit Helipad by Waterline Ship Models on Shapeways
T 56 (La Galissonniere) classImprovements of T53, experimental equipments. La Galissonniere 1962-1990
Ähnlicher Typ
Surcouf T47B F 67 (Tourville) classTourville 1974- , Duguay-Trouin 1975-1999, De Grasse 1977-
Tourville (1/1250),
Bausatzkandidat: Duguay Trouin 1/400 by Heller
F 70 ASM (Georges Leygues) classGeorges Leygues 1979- , Dupleix 1981- , Montcalm 1982- , Jeanne de Vienne 1984- , Primauguet 1986- , Lamotte Picquet 1988- , Latouche-Treville 1990-
Ähnlicher Typ
Cassard 1988,
Bausatzkandidat: Georges Leygues by Amatuer on Shapeways
F 70 AA (Georges Leygues) classCassard 1988- , Jean Bart 1991-
Cassard 1988 F 70 AA (Georges Leygues) class; cancelled
Courbet -;-- , Chevalier Paul -;--
Orizzonte class / Horizon classGemeinsame Entw. Mit Frankreich.
It: Andrea Doria ex Carlo Bergamini 2008-, Caio Duilio -2009;-
Fr: Forbin 2006-, Chevalier Paul 2008-
Horizon class FREMM Aquitaine classProject FREMM with Italy. Variant of Orizzonte project. Comissioning 2012-2022 Aquitaine, Provence, Languedoc, Auvergne, many exports
Aquitaine D650
1 class
1 1876-1883
2 class
2 1878-1880
3 class
1883:Chevrette 1876-1885
4 class
1883:Djone 1875-1895
5 class
5,6 1876-1887 Thorneycroft 67ft type like kuk TBI
7 class
7 1876-1887
20 class
20,21,41-49,54,55 187./80;187./80-1894/00
22 class
22-23, 37-40, 51-53 187./82;187./82-1897/03
24 class
24-25,33-36, 50 1878/80;1878/80-1903/08
26 class
26 1878-1901
27 class
27 1879-1903
28 class
28 1879-bf.1908
29 class29,30,56-59 1880/81;1880/81-1897/04 ship carried boats similar to Thorneycroft 2nd class
Ähnlicher Typ
Semsir-i Hucum 31 class
31 1879-1901, 32 1879-1901
60 class
60-74 1882/85;1882/85-1900
Balny class
Balny 1886-1913, Deroulede 1886-1907, Doudart de La Gree 1886-1906, Edmond Fontaine 1886-1903, Bouet Willaumez 1886-1900, Dehorter 1886-1904, Capitaine Cuny 1886-1912, Capitaine Mehl 1886-1910, Challier 1886-1906
75 class
75-125 1887/89;1887/89-1900/10
Ouragan class
Ouragan 1887-1903, Alarme 1889-1906, Temeraire 1889-1911, Aventurier 1889-1910, Defi 1889-1911
Coureur class
Coureur 1888-1912, Veloce 1891-1910, Grondeur 1892-1925
126 class
126-129 1889/90;1889/90-1908/14
130 class
130-144 1890/92;1890/92-1910
Avant-Garde classAvant-Garde 1889-1890, Archer 1893-1908
Ähnlicher Typ
208 Torpedo-Boot Avant-Garde mod. classTurco 1891-1911, Zouave 1892-1908, Dragon 1892-1910, Grenadier 1892-1919, Lancier 1893-1911
Ähnlicher Typ
208 Torpedo-Boot 145 class
145-171 1891/93;1891/93-1919/29
Agile class
Agile 1889-1912, Audacieux 1889-1896, Eclaire 1891-1911, Kabyle 1891-1911, Orage 1891-1921, Sarrazin 1892-1908, Tourbillon 1892-1911, unnamed -1890;-- , unnamed -1890;--
Corsaire class
Corsaire 1892-1913
Mousquetaire class
Mousquetaire 1892-1911
172 class
172-200 (193=Moulouya) 1892/95;1892/95-1913/29
Chevalier class
Chevalier 1893-1919
Averne class
Averne 1893-1919, Dauphine 1894-1913
Argonaute class
Argonaute 1893-1911, Tourmente 1893-1910
Flibustier class
Flibustier 1895-1898, Ariel 1895-1923, Aquilon 1895-1919
A class
A-I 1894/98;1894/98-1909
Forban class
Forban 1895-1920
Mangini class
Mangini 1896-1911
Lansquenet class
Lansquenet 1900-1900
Mistral classAudacieux 1901-1923, Mistral 1925:Boree 1901-1927, Simoun 1901-1925, Sirocco 1901-1925, Trombe 1901-1921, Typhon 1901-1921
Sirocco 1901 (1/1250) 201 class
201-292 (208=Marteau, 215=Foyer, 222=Rouable242=6 S, 255=16 S, 284=17 S, 285=18 S, 286=19S, 291=20S, 292=21S) 1897/04;1897/04-bf.1914
293 class
293,294 1904-1910
Libellule class
Libellule 1905-1911
295 class"38-m-Typ" 295-369 19../09;19../09-1919/29, teils 194x
During the First World War, some of the ships were converted into patrol ships (a 75-mm anti-aircraft gun was installed instead of a two-tube TA); No. 297, 301; 304, 306, 308, 313, 315, 316, 320-322, 324, 327 and 352 were converted into minesweepers. Most of the destroyers were at bases on the Atlantic coast, some operated on the Adriatic and off the coast of Tunisia. In 1915, Nos. 309-311, 353, 357 and 359 took part in the Dardanelles operation.
Drzki 1908,
Drzki 1908 (1/1250) La Melpomène classLa Melpomene 1936;1936 194. 1945-1940 1942 1950, La Pomone 1936-1942, La Flore 1936;1936 1945-1940 1950, L'Iphigenie 1936-1942, La Bayonnaise 1936-1942, Bombarde 1937-1942, L'Incomprise 1936;1936 1945-1940 1950, La Poursuivante 1936-1942, La Cordeliere 1936;1936 1945-1940 1950, Baliste 1938-1942, Branlebas 1937-1940, Bouclier 1937;1937 1945-1940 1950
La Flore (1/1250),
TA9-TA13 (1/1250)
Kanonenboote, Kolonialboote
Condor class
Condor 1886-1907, Epervier 1887-1911, Faucon 1887-1920, Vautour 1889-1908
Bombe classTorpedo gunboats. Bombe 1887-1911, Couleuvrine 1887-1911, Dague 1888-1905, Dragonne 1888-1910, Fleche 1888-1912, Lance 1890-1914, Sainte-Barbe 1885-1911, Salve 1890-1906
Bombe class 1890,
Dragonne 1890 (1/1250) Gabriel Charmes class
Gabriel Charmes 1887:151 1886-1887
Levrier class
Levrier 1891-1910, Leger 1891-1910
Wattignies class
Wattignies 1892-1908, Fleurs 1898-1910
D'Iberville classD'Iberville 1894-1919
Ähnlicher Typ
Chien Wei D'Iberville mod class
Cassini 1895-1913, Casabianca 1896-1913
Dunois class
Dunois 1898-1920, Lahire 1899-19..
Forbin class
Forbin, Surcouf 19.. -1919
Troude class
Cosmao 19..-1922
Bougainville classBougainville 1932-1940, Dumont d'Urville 193.-1958, Savorgnan de Brazza 193. 1940-1940 1957, D'Entrecasteaux ;40712-1942, Rigault de Genouilly 193.-1940, Amiral Charner 193.-1945, D'Iberville 193.-1942, La Grandiere ex Ville d'Ys 194.-1959, Beautemps-Beaupre ;-1939-1940, La Perouse ;()--
Savorgnan De Brazza (1931/40) Aviso Amiral Mouchez class
Amiral Mouchez 1937-19..
Ardent class
ASW gunboat;Ardent 1916-1936, Alerte 1916-1936, Audacieuse 1917-1940, Batailleuse 1917-1938, Belliqueuse 1916-1928, Boudeuse 1916-1920, Capricieuse 1916-1934, Courageuse 1916-1920, Curieuse 1916-1926, Dedaigneuse 1916-1942 Italy as FR56, Germany as M6020, Gracieuse 1916-1938, Impetueuse 1917-1938, Malicieuse 1916-1939, Moqueuse 1916-1923, Railleuse 1916-1920, Tapageuse 1917-1944, Agile 1916-1933, Inconstant 1916-1933, Espiegle 1916-1920, Eveille 1917-1928, Emorte 1916-1927, Etourdi 1916-1940, Sans Souci 1916-1936, Luronne 1917-1941
Friponne class
ASW gunboat;Friponne 1916-1920 Romania Locotenant-Comandor Stihi Eugen, Boufonne 1916-1925, Chifonne 1917-1920 Romania Locotenant Lepri Remus, Diligente 1916-1940 captured by GB, Engageante 1917-1944, Impatiente 1916-1920 Romania Capitan Dumitrescu C., Mignonne 1917-1920 Romania Sublocotenant Ghigulescu, Surveillante 1917-193., Coquette ; - , Heroine ; - , Joyeuse ; - , Guerriere ; - , Mutine ; -
Arabis classsloop;Aldebaran 1916-1934, Algol 1916-1935, Altair 1916-1940, Antares 1916-1936, Bellatrix 1916-1933, Cassiopee 1917-1933, Rigel 1916-1916, Regulus 1917-1935
Hai Chow ex HMS Pentstemon Vaillante class
ASW gunboat;Vaillante 1917-1932, Conquerante 1917-1940
Oise classsloop;Oise 1917-1938, Aisne 1917-1938, Marne 1917-1945 German Navy as SG37, Meuse 1917-1938, Somme 1917-1940, Yser 1917-1942
Marne 1941 Scarpe class
aviso;Scarpe 1918;1918 1920-1920 1938, Ancre 1918-1940, Suippe 1918-1941
Ailette class
aviso;Ailette 1918-1941, Escaut 1918-1934
Dubourdieu class
aviso-minesweeper;Dubourdieu 1918-1942, Du Chaffault (Duchaffault) 1918-1938, Du Couedic 1919-1939, Dumont D'Urville 1929:Enseigne Henry 1919-1933, Duperre 1919-1933, Decres ;--
Arras classaviso;Arras 1918;1918 194.-1940 1946, Amiens 1919;1919 194.-1940 194., Baccarat 1918-1933, Bapaume 1918-1921, Bar-le-Duc 1918-1920, Belfort 1919-1935 then Aircraft Tender 1940 after Dunkirk captured by Royal Navy, end 1940 passed to Free French 1947 scuttled, Bethune 1921-1934, Calais 1919-1946, Coucy 1919;1919 1945-1940 1946, Craonne 1920-1935, Dunkerque 1928:Ypres 1918-193., Epernay 1919-1934, Epinal 1919;1919 1945-1940 1946, Lassigny 1919-1940, Les Eparges 1919-193., Lievin 1920-1935, Luneville 1920-1935, Mondement 1922-1935, Montmirail 1920-192., Nancy 1919-193., Peronne 1920-1935, Reims 1924-1938, Remiremont 1920-1936, Revigny 1920-1937, Tahure 1918-1944, Toul 1919-1935, Vauquois 1919-1940, Verdun 1928:Laffaux 1918-1928, Vimy 1920-1935, Vitry-le-Francois 1920-193., Betheny -; - , Chalons -; - , Chateau-Thierry -; - , Compiegne ; - , Douaumont ; - , Fere Champenoise ; - , Gerbeviller ; - , Noyon ; - , Roye ; - , Saint Die ; - , Senlis ; - , Souchez ; - , Soissons ; -
Tahure (1939/40) Aviso,
Belfort 1939/40,
Tahure 1941 Flamant class
aviso;Flamant 1918:Quentin Roosevelt 1918-1919
Élan classaviso designed as minesweeper, used as corvette. Built 1936-40, used till 1965. France, Germany, Italy, UK.
Élan, La Batailleuse->Italy FR51->German SG23->UJ2331, La Boudeuse, La Capricieuse->Royal Navy, Commandant Bory, Commandant Delage, Commandant Dominé, Commandant Duboc, Commandant Rivière->Italy FR52, La Curieuse->Italy FR55->German SG25, La Gracieuse, L'Impétueuse->Italy FR54, La Moqueuse
Commandant Delage,
Élan (1/1250) Chamois classaviso designed as minesweeper, used as corvette. Used by Italy and German Navy
Alfred de Courcy ... Commandant de Pimodan 1941-47, Amiral Duperré cancelled 40, Amiral Gourdon cancelled 40, Amiral Sénès … SG 16 … SG 21 1942-44, Annamite ...Chamois ...El Lahic 1939 -61 to Marocco, Chamois … SG 21 1938/1944, Chevreuil … Destur 1939 - 1959 to Tunesia, Enseigne Ballande ...SG 17 1942, not in service, Enseigne Bisson cancelled 1940, Gazelle 1939-1961, L'Ambitieuse ...Bisson 1946-1964,
cancelled 1940: La Furieuse, La Généreuse, L'Heureuse, La Joyeuse, La Malicieuse, La Preneuse...Commandant Ducuing, La Sérieuse, La Trompeuse
cancelled 1948: La Rieuse,
Bambora...La Surprise 1939-42 sunk by HMS Brilliant H84 at Oran. La Victorieuse...Commandant Amyot d'Inville cancelled 1940 restarted 1947-66, Matelot Leblanc...SG 14 43-44, Rageot de la Touche... SG 15 ...UJ2229 1942/43-45 sunk by submarine HMS Universal
Chamois class (1/1250) Le Fier classescort destroyer;Le Fier -1940;--1940, L'Agile -1940;--1940, L'Entreprenant -1940;--1940, Le Farouche -1940;--1940, L'Alsacien -1942;--1940, Le Corse -1942;--1940, Le Breton (194.);--1940, Le Nicois -;-- , Le Normand -;-- , Le Parisien -;-- , Le Provencal -;-- , Le Saintongeais -;-- , Le Savoyard -;-- , Le Tunisien -;-- , 24 ships -;--
L'Agile (1/1250) Flower class / Arc classcorvette;La Bastiaise -1940;-1940-1940, La Dieppoise ();--1940, La Malouine ();--1940, La Paimpolaise ();--1940, Arc -; - , Fronde -; - , Pique -; - , Glaive -; - , Carabine -; - , Pistolet -; - , Arbalete -; - , Pertuisaine -; - , Lance -; - , Dague -; - , Mousquet -; - , Fleche -; -
Arquebuse ();--1940 => German PA1, Hallebarde ();--1940 => PA2, Sabre ();--1940 => PA3, Poignard ();--1940 => PA4, unnamed -;--1940, unnamed -;--1940
became German Ujs;Mimose 194.;1941-1942, Renoncule 194.;1941-1945, Aconit 194.;1941-1945, Lobelia 194.;1941-1945, Alysse 194.;1941-1942, Commandant Detroyat 194.;1941-1945, Commandant Drogou 194.;1942-1945, Commandant d'Estienne d'Orves 194;1942-1945, Roselys 194.;1942-1945
Flower Class Cannon (DET) classfrigate; Senegalais....:Yser 1944-1964, Algerien....:Oise 1944-1964, Tunisien 1944-1960, Marocain 1944-1960, Hova 1944-1960, Somali 1944-1956, Kabyle 1943;1950-1959, Bambara 1943;1950-1959, Sakalave 1943;1950-1959, Touareg 1943;1950-1959, Soudanais 1943;1950-1959, Berbere 1944;1950-1958, Arabe 1943;1952-1960, Malgache 1943;1952-1965
Ähnlicher Typ
USS Cannon DE-99 Class 1935 classescort destroyer;Bir Hakeim ex T11 1939;1946-1951
Ähnlicher Typ
T-4 (1945) 1937 classescort destroyer;Baccarat ex T20 1941;1946-1951, Dompaire ex T14 1939;1947-1951
T19 (1945) Tacoma classfrigate;unknown 1944;1947-?, unknown 1943;1947-?, unknown 1943;1947-?, unknown 1943;1947-?
Kusu JMSDF E 50 (Le Corse) classfrigate;Le Corse 1955-1975, Le Brestois 1956-1975, Le Boulonnais 1955-1977, Le Bordelais 1955-1975
Le Corse E50 F761 1955 E 52 (Le Normand) classfrigate;Le Normand 1956-1980, Le Picard 1956-1979, Le Gascon 1957-1977, Le Lorrain 1957-1976, Le Bourguignon 1957-1976, Le Champenois 1957-1975, Le Savoyard 1956-1980, Le Breton 1957-1977, Le Basque 1957-1979, L'Agenais 1958-1980, Le Bearnais 1958-1979
E 52B (Le Normand mod) class: L'Alsacien 1960-1981, Le Provencal 1959-1980, Le Vendeen 1960-1981, Not ordered:F 779 -;--1957, F 780 -;--1957
Le Normand (1/1250),
Le Picard 1954 E 55 (Commandant Riviere) classfrigate;Commandant Riviere 1962-1985, Victor Schoelcher 1962;1973-1988, Commandant Bory 1964-1994/97?, Amiral Charner 1962-1990, Doudart de Lagree 1963-1981, Balny 1963-1994, Commandant Bourdais 1963-1990, Protet 1964-1992, Enseigne de Vaisseau Henry 1965-1994
Commandant Riviere E55,
Commandant Riviere E55 (1/1250) A 69 (D'Estienne d'Orves) classcorvette;D'Estienne d'Orves 1976-1999, Amyot d'Inville 1976-1999, Commandant Drogou 1976-2000, Commandant Detroyat 1977-1997, Jean Moulin 1977-1999, Quartier-Maitre Anquetil 1978-2000, Commandant de Pimodan 1978-2000, Second-Maitre Le Bihan 1979-2000, Lieutenant de Vaisseau Le Henaff -1976; -1976, Lieutenant de Vaisseau Lavallee -1976; -1976, Lieutenant de Vaisseau Le Henaff 1980- , Lieutenant de Vaisseau Lavallee 1980- , Commandant L'Herminier 1986- , Premier-Maitre L'Her 1981- , Commandant Blaison 1982- , Enseigne de Vaisseau Jacoubet 1982- , Commandant Ducuing 1983-2000?, Commandant Birot 1984-2000?, Commandant Bouan ex Commandant Levasseur 1984-2000?
D'Estienne d'Orves 1972 (1/1250),
Detroyat Floreal classlight frigate, Floreal 1992- , Prairial 1992- , Nivose 1992- , Ventose 1993- , Vendemiaire 1993- , Germinal ex Brumaire 1994-
Floréal La Fayette classfrigate;La Fayette 1996- , Surcouf 1996- , Courbet 1997- , Aconit ex Jaureguiberry 1999- , Guepratte 2002- , Ronarc'h -;--
Saudi Arbien 3 Al Riyadh class, Taiwan 6 Kang Ding class, Singapur 6 Formidable-class
Kang Ding class Gowind Designcorvette/Littorial combat of Gowind design / Kership class L'Adroit
Gowind Amiral-Ronarc'h classFrégate de Défense et d'Intervention FDI
Amiral Ronarc'h (under construction), planned: Amiral Louzeau, Amiral Castex, Amiral Nomy, Amiral Cabanier
Belharra export version: 2 ordered by Greece
Amiral Ronarc'h U-Jäger
C1 class / SC 110'ex US Subchasers 110ft SC1 class built 1917/18. C1..C100
C27 1922 Bulgaria Biełomoriec 1944 SKA 758, C80 bulg Czernomoriec 1944 SKA 757, C81 captured by Germany, passed to Italy as FR74
USS SC39 110′ Subchaser 1917 (1/600) C101 class
C101-C117 built from 1919. C111,112 as River gunboats Commandant Bourdais, Avalanche 1928-1945 Indochina. Avalanche sunk by Amiral Charner
Jules Vernes Nautilus
Bausatzkandidat: Jules Vernes Nautilus (very simplified) by OKB Grigorov
Plongeur class
Plongeur 1863
Gymnôte class
Gymnôte 1888
Gustave Zédé class
Gustave Zédé Ex Sirene 1893
Morse class
Morse 1899
Narval class
Narval 1900
Sirene class
Sirene 1901, Triton, Espadon, Silure
Farfadet class
Farfadet 1909:Follet 1901 / 1909, Korrigan, Gnome, Lutin
Français class
Français, Algerien
Naiade class
Naiade 1904, Protee, Perle, Esturgeon, Bonite, Thon, Souffleur, Dorade, Lynx, Ludion, Loutre, Castor, Phoque, Otarie, Meduse, Oursin, Grondin, Anguille, Alose, Truite
X 1911:Dauphin 1904
Aigrette class
Aigrette 1904, Cigogne, Eider, Macreuse, Crebe, Cygne, Marabout, Heron, Pluvier, Pingouin, Pelican, Plongeon, Vanneau
Omega class
Omega 1910:Argonaute 1909
Emeraude class
Emeraude 1908, Opale, Rubis, Saphir, Topase, Turquoise (captured by Turkey, as Mustedjb Oubashi / Müstecip Onbaşı)
Circe class
Circe 1908, Calypso
Guepe class
Guepe 1, Guepe 2
Pluviose class
Pluviose 1908, Ventose, Germinal, Floreal, Prairial, Messidor, Thermidor, Fructidor, Vendemiaire, Papin, Fresnel, Berhelot, Monge, Ampere, Gay-Lussac, Watt, Cugnot, Giffard
Q 59 class
unnamed Q 59, unnamed Q 60
Q 61 class
unnamed Q 61
Archimede class
Archimede 1911
Brumaire class
Brumaire 1912, Frimaire, Nivose, Foucault, Euler, Franklin, Faraday, Volta, Newton, Montgolfier, Bernouilli, Joule, Coulomb, Arago, Curie, Le Verrier
Mariotte class
Mariotte 1912
Amiral Bourgois class
Amira Bourgois 1912
Charles Brun class
Charles Brun 1913
Clorinde class
Clorinde 1916, Cornelie
Gustave Zédé class
Gustave Zédé 1914, Nereide
Amphitrite class
Amphitrite 1928:Amphitrite II 1915, Astree, Artemis, Arethuse, Atalante 1928:Atalante II, Amarante, Ariane, Andromaque
Bellone class
Bellone 1916, Hermione, Gorgone
Dupuy de Lome class
Dupuy de Lome 1916, Sane
Diane class
Diane 1916, Daphne
Joessel class
Joessel 1920, Fulton
Lagrange class
Lagrange 1918, Laplace, Regnault, Romazotti
Armide class
Armide 1916, Antigone, Amazone 1928:Amazone II
O'Byrne class
O'Byrne 1921, Henri Fournier, Louis Dupetit-Thouars
Maurice Callot class
Maurice Callot 1921
Pierre Chailley class
Pierre Chailley 1922
Requin class
Requin 1926, Souffleur, Marsouin, Dauphin, Narval, Morse, Phoque, Espadon, Caiman
Sirene class600ts sub-class. Sirene 1927, Naiade, Galathee, Nymphe
Ähnlicher Typ
Smeli 1929 (1/1250) Ondine class600ts sub-class. Ondine 1928, Ariane, Eurydice, Danae
Ähnlicher Typ
Smeli 1929 (1/1250) Saphir classSaphir 1930, Turquoise, Nautilus, Rubis, Diamant, Perle
Rubis 1933 Redoutable 1500ts type (M-5)M5 group: Redoutable 1931, Pascal, Pasteur, Vengeur, Henri Poincare, Poncelet, Acteon, Argo, Fresnel, Monge, Acheron, Phenix, Promethee, Achille, Ajax, Pegase, Protee, Archimede, PerseeM-6 group: L'Espoire, Le Glorieux, Le Centaure, Le Heros, Le Conquerant, Le TonnantM-6 mod group: Agosta, Sfax, Casabianca, Beveziers, Ouessant, Sidi-Ferruch Casabianca Argonaute class
Argonaute 1932, Arethuse, Atalante, La Vestale, La Sultane
Diane class600ts sub-class. Diane 1932, Antiope, Meduse, Amphitrite, Orphee, Amazone, La Sybille, Oreade, La Psyche
Ähnlicher Typ
Smeli 1929 (1/1250) Minerve class
Minerve 1936
1940, Iris, Venus, Junon, Pallas, Ceres
L'Aurore class
L'Aurore 1940, La Creole, L'Astree, L'Artemis, La Favorite, L'Africaine, L'Andromede, La Bayadere, L'Andromaque, L'Antigone, L'Armide, La Gorgone, L'Hermione, La Clorinde, La Cornelie
Roland Morillot class
Roland Morillot, La Praya, La Martinique, La Reunion, La Guadeloupe, 8 ships
Emeraude class
Emeraude, Agate, Corail, Escarboucle
Phenix class
Phenix, Brumaire, Floreal, Frimaire, Fructidor, Germinal, Messidor, Nivose, Pluviose, Prairial, Thermidor, Vendemaire, Ventose
VIIC classMille 1946, Laubie
U-Boot Typ VIIB,
U-Boot Typ VIIB U-48 mit Dock,
U-Boot Typ VIIC,
U-Boote VIIC, IXC, Frachter,
U-Boot Typ VIID U218 Minen 1941/45,
U-Boot Typ VIIF U1060 Transport 1943/44,
U-Boot Typ VIIC Skelett (1/350),
U-Boot Typ VIIC (1/350),
U-Boot VIIC/41 U-295 mit Biber, Unternehmen Cäsar (1/400) Narval class
Narval 1957, Marsouin, Dauphin, Requin, Espadon, Morse
Bausatzkandidat: Narval by Waterline Ship Models on Shapeways
Arethuse class
Arethuse 1958, Argonaute, Amazone, Ariane
Daphne classDaphne 1964, Diane, Doris, Eurydice, Flore, Galatee, Minerve, Junon, Venus, Psyche, Sirene
Flore / Hangor Gymnote class
Gymnote 1963:Q 251 1966-
Le Redoutable classLe Redoutable 1971, Le Terrible, Le Foudroyant, L'Indomptable Ex Le Formidable, Le Tonnant, L'Inflexible
Le Redoutable Agosta class
(auch SSK 70) Agosta 1977, Beveziers, La Praya, Ouessant
Bausatzkandidat: Agosta class by OKB Grigorov,
Bausatzkandidat: Agosta 70 SSK by Amatuer on Shapeways
SNA 72 (Rubis) class
Rubis Ex Provence 1983, Saphir Ex Emeraude ex Bretagne, Casabianca ex Topaze ex Bourgogne, Emeraude Ex Perle
Bausatzkandidat: Rubis class in 2 versions, before or after Amethyst rebuild by OKB Grigorov,
Bausatzkandidat: SNA Rubis Waterline or Fullhull by Waterline Ship Models on Shapeways
Amethyste class
Amethyste 1992, Perle
Le Triomphant class
Le Triomphant 1997-, Le Temeraire, Le Vigilant, Le Terrible
Bausatzkandidat: Triomphante class by OKB Grigorov,
Bausatzkandidat: LeTriomphant by Waterline Ship Models on Shapeways
Barracuda program / Suffren class
Suffren 2019-, Duguay-Trouin, Tourville, De Grasse, Rubis, Casbianca
Bausatzkandidat: Barracuda class by OKB Grigorov,
Bausatzkandidat: SSN Suffren 1:700 by Waterline Ship Models on Shapeways
Scorpenefranzösisch-spanischer Entwurf, nur Export (Chile, Malaysia, Indien, Brasilien)
Scorpène class Nicht zugeordnet
Minensucher (ggf. Geleiter/Kanonenboot)
Ton class / Für die Klasse: similar Kanada / RCN Bay class MinesweeperHMS Essington Tripartite class / Éridan (Tripartite) classAlkmaar kleine Kampfboote
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