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1/700 Helicopters
1/700 Aircraft
Schiffsmodelle im Marinemuseum Cartagena

Mittelalter, Segel-Aera (Beispiele)

Nina und Pinta waren Karavellen (1492). Peter von Danzig (1470) ist ein deutsches Beispiel

Ähnlicher Stil Peter von Danzig 1470 (1/1250), Santa Maria, Pinta, Nina (1/1250), Santa Maria (1/75)
Karacke waren die Nachfolger der Karavelle. Bsp Santa Maria (1492) war entweder Karavelle oder Karacke

Santa Maria, Pinta, Nina (1/1250), Karracke Wrack

Venezianische Galeasse Lepanto 1571

Manila Galleon
Ships of the line Principe de Asturias …

Principe de Asturias 1794, Santisima Trinidad 1805, Monarca 1805, Black Seas Scenery: Sunk 1st rate, Black Seas Scenery: Sunk 3rd rate, San Justo
frz. Téméraire class
von Frankreich erbeutet 1808 Montañe ex Pluton(722)

Héros 1805

Fregatte 5th rate

Fregatte 5th rate


Dedalo ex Neuenfels
Seaplane tender 1901;1914 requisitioned by Spain, seaplane tender 1922-1935

Dedalo, Dédalo (1/1250)
Independence class
Dedalo ex am. "Cabot"/AVT 3, ex CVL 28, ex "Wilmington"/CL 79; 1943;1967-1989

USS Independence CVL-22
Principe de Asturias class
Principe de Asturias; 1982;1988-2013 (baugleich für Thailand: Chakri Naruebet.) Basistyp Principe de Asturias
Ähnlicher Typ Chakri Naruebet
Galicia class (Enforcer Design)
Galicia L51, Castilla L52 Basistyp Galicia class (Enforcer Design)
Juan Carlos I class
Mixed Aircraft Carrier / LHD / LPD Juan Carlos I 2010-; for Australia as Canberra class HMAS Canberra (2014-), HMAS Adelaide (2015-), for Turkey Anadolou (planned 2021)

Juan Carlos I L-61


1865-1912 broadside ironclad (armoured frigate)

Numancia 1863
broadside ironclad 1863-1873

centre battery ironclad 1867-1911

Ähnlicher Typ Numancia 1863
broadside ironclad 1868-1879

centre battery ironclad 1867-1897

Ähnlicher Typ Sagunto,
Bausatzkandidat: Zaragoza by Brown Water on Shapeways
centre battery ironclad ex 100-gun ship of the line Principe Don Alfonso;1869-1896

Mendez Nunez
centre battery ironclad ex 38-gun, steam-powered frigate Resolución 1859;1879-1888

Bausatzkandidat: Mendez Nunez by Brown Water on Shapeways
monitor 1874-1900

Puigcerdá Monitor
Duque de Tetua
floating battery 1874-1900
barbette ship 1888-1921

Felipe II class
Felipe II ;---
Espana class
Espana 1913-1923, Alfonso XIII 1931:Espana 1915-1937, Jaime I 1921-1937

Espana (1/1250), Espana 1913


Aragon class
armoured cruiser
Aragon 1879-1899, Castilla 1881-1898, Navarra 1881-1899

Castilla 1898
Velasco class
unprotected cruiser
UK Thames built: fewer but heavier guns and were slightly faster. Velasco 1881-1898, Gravina 1881-1885,
Higher superstructure: Infanta Isabel 1885-1927, Isabel II 1885-1907, Cristobal Colon 1887-1895, Don Antonio de Ulloa 1887-1898, Don Juan de Austria 1887-1898 1900 raised by USN became gunboat USS Don Juan de Austria till 1919, Conde de Venadito 1888-1907

USS Don Juan de Austria 1900 (1/1250), Infanta Isabel (Velasco Spanish variant)
Isla de Luzon class
Small Elswick protected cruiser
Isla de Luzon 1887-1898 captured by US, rebuilt as gunboat USS Isla de Luzon 1900-1919, then private -1931,
Isla de Cuba Spanish 1887-1898 USA 1900-1912 as USS Isla de Cuba, 1912 to Venezuela as Mariscal Sucre till 1940,
Marques de la Ensenada 1892-

Isla de Cuba 1887 (1/1250), Isla de Luzon 1887
Alfonso XII class
protected cruiser
Alfonso XII 1887-1907, Reina Cristina 1887-1898, Reina Mercedes 1887-1898

Alfonso XII
Reina Regente class
protected cruiser
Reina Regente 1888-1895, Alfonso XIII 1898- , Lepanto 1898-1912

Reina Regente 1895, Reina Regente 1895 (1/1250)
Infanta Maria Theresa class
protected cruiser
Infanta Maria Theresa 1890-1898, Vizcaya 1891-1898, Almirante Oquendo 1891-1898

Infanta Maria Teresa
Emperador Carlos V class
armoured cruiser
Emperador Carlos V 1898-1931

Emperador Carlos V 1893 (1/1250)
Garibaldi class
armoured cruiser
Cristobal Colon 1897-1898, Pedro de Aragon ;-1897 not ordered--

Rapido class (Augusta Victoria-Klasse)
1898-1899 AMC Rapido ex German SS Columbia, Patriota ex SS Normannia

SS Columbia 1889 / Rapido / Terek
Meteoro (Flüsse-Klasse)
Meteoro, 1898; Alfonso XII bis 1927 ex German SS Havel

Ähnlicher Typ SS Columbia 1889 / Rapido / Terek als Ural, Meteoro
Rio de la Plata class
protected cruiser
Rio de la Plata 1899-1921
Princesa de Asturias class
armoured cruiser, repeat of Maria Theresa with modernized weapons and equipment
Princesa de Asturias 1902-1929, Cardenal Cisneros 1903-1905, Cataluna 1904-1929

Ähnlicher Typ Infanta Maria Teresa
Estremadura class
protected cruiser
Estramadaura ex Isabel la Catolica 1900-1930

Reina Regente class
protected cruiser
Reina Regente 1910-1926
Reina Victoria Eugenia class
light cruiser designed on base of British Birmingham
Reina Victoira Eugenia 1931:Republica 1937:Navarra 1938 big refit;;1923-1956

Republica / Navarra / Reina Victoria Eugenia (1/1250), HMS Chester 1916,
Bausatzkandidat: Navarra after refit by COB on Shapeways
Blas de Lezo class
light cruiser, designed on base of British Caledon class
Blas de Lezo ex Mendez Nunez 1925-1932, Mendez Nunez ex Blas de Lezo 1924-1964, reconstructed as AA cruiser; 2 further cancelled

Mendez Nunez CL, Mendez Nunez AA (1/1250), Mendez Nunez AA
Principe Alfonso class
light cruiser
Principe Alfonso 1931:Libertad 1939:Galicia 1927-1970, Almirante Cervera 1927-1966, Miguel de Cervantes (mit Heinkel 59 "zapatones") 1930-1963

Libertad CL, Almirante Cervera, Galicia (1/1250)
Canarias class
heavy cruiser
Canarias 1936-1975, Baleares 1936-1938, El Ferrol ;not ordered--

Baleares (1938)
Mar Negro class
armed merchantman Mar Negro 1930;1938-1939; Mar Cantabrico
pic by
Mar Negro 1938 (1/1250)


Fernando el Catolico class
1875-1898 Fernando el Catolico, Marques del Duero (later US P-17),

Fernando El Catolico Class
Jorge Juan
Sloop 1876-1898

Jorge Juan

Temerario class
torpedo gunboat
Velox ....:Nueva Espana 1889-1916, Martin Alonzo Pinzon ex Audaz 1889-1914, Galicia 1891-1898, Marques de Molins 1891-1922, Rapido 1891-0, Vincente Yanez Pinzon 1891-1914
Filipinas class
torpedo gunboat
Filipinas 1892-1906 then Thailand
Hernan Cortes class
Hernan Cortes 1895-1925, Vasco Nunez de Balboa 1895-1926, Pizarro 1895-1898
Ponce de Leon class
Ponce de Leon 1895-1916, Diego de Velasquez 1895-1899
Alvarado class
Alvarado 1895-1898, Sandoval 1895-1898
Quiros class
Quiros 1895-1899, Villalobos 1895-1899
Dona Maria de Molina class
torpedo gunboat
Dona Maria de Molina 1898-1926, Marques de la Vitoria 1898-1926, Don Alvaro de Bazan 1900-1926
Velasco class
Velasco 1911-0
Recalde class
Recalde 1911-1932, Laya 1911-1938, Bonifaz 1911-1932, Lauria 1912-193.

Laya (1/1250), Laya 1937
Castillo class
Antonio Canovas del Castillo 1930:Canovas del Castillo 1923-1959, Jose Canalejas 1930:Canalejas 1923-1953, Eduardo Dato 1930:Dato 1923-1954

Dato (1/1250)
Durango class
Calvo Sotelo 1938-1957; built for Mexico (like sister Durango), but acquisioned by Spain.

Calvo Sotelo 1939 (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ Durango (1/1250)


Torpedo-Gunboat, the first Destroyer worldwide, built in UK. 1886-1908

Destructor 1890
Furor class
Build in GB on development of Havock class, similar to A class, Thompson type with three uneven funnels
Furor group: Furor 1896-1898, Terror 1896-1924
Audaz Group: Audaz 1897-1924, Osado 1897-1924, Pluton 1897-1898, Proserpine 1897-1931

Terror 1896 (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ HMS Spitfire 1895, Ähnlicher Typ HMS Hunter 1895
Bustamante class
Bustamante 1914-1931, Villaamil 1914-1931, Cadarso Ex Requesens 1916-1930

Bustamante (1/1250), Bustamante
Alsedo class
Smaller version of HMS Nimrod. Alsedo 1922-1957, Velasco 1923-1957, Juan Lazaga ....:Lazaga 1924-1961
similar to British Marksman class

Alsedo (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ HMS Marksman 1915
Churruca class (I, II)
Design on base of British Scott class leaders
Churruca -1927;--1927, Alcala Galiano -1927;--1927, Sanchez Barcaztegui 1927-1965, Almirante Juan Ferrandiz 1928-1936, Jose Luis Diez 1928-1966, Lepanto 1928-1957, Churruca 1929-1964, Alcala Galiano 1930-1957, Almirante Valdes 1930-1957, Almirante Antequera (Group II) 1931-1969, Almirante Miranda 1931-1970, Gravina 1931-1964, Escano 1932-1964, Jorge Juan 1937-1959, Ulloa 1938-1964, Ciscar 1933-1958

Churruca (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ HMS Scott
Júpiter class
Minelayers used as destroyers, 1935-1977
Jupiter, Marte, Neptuno, Vulcano

Jupiter 1939 (1/1250)
Aquila class
Built in Italy for Romania (Marasti/Vifor class), these 2 stayed in Italy, sold to Spain 1937
Ceuta (ex-it.Aquila, ex-rom.Vifor) 1919;1937-1949, Melilla (ex-it.Falco, ex-rom.Viscol) 1919;1937-1950

Marasti, Ceuta (1/1250)
Alessandro Poerio class
Ex-Italian light cruiser / destroyers bought 1937
Huesca (ex-Alessandro Poerio) 1914;1938-1953, Teruel (ex-Guglielmo Pepe) 1914;1938-1947

Guglielmo Pepe (1/1250), Teruel ex Alessandro Poerio (1/1250)
Eolo class
Minelayer used as destroyer. Slightly smaller and cheaper variant of Jupiter class on the basis of construction of gunboat-transport Guanajuato (built by Spain for Mexico).
Eolo 1941-1972, Triton 1941-1972

Eolo 1942 (1/1250)
Alava class (Churruca III)
Originally re-order of the Churruca class / Almirante Antequera group. Cancelled, restarted for Argentina, Argentina cancelled again, redesigned and finished in the 50s.
Alava 1950-1978, Liniers 1951-1982

Ähnlicher Typ Churruca (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ HMS Scott
Audaz class
Small destroyer projected started 1939 with the help of Germany on the base of French Le Fier class with German equipment
Audaz 1953-1974, Osado 1955-1972, Meteoro ex Atrevido 1955-1975, Rayo 1956-1974, Ariete 1961-1966, Furor 1960-1974, Intrepido 1965-1982, Relampagio 1965-1975, Temerario 1964-1975

Ähnlicher Typ L'Agile (1/1250)
Fletcher class
Lepanto (ex-Capps) 1942;1957-1985, Almirante Ferrandiz (ex-David W. Taylor) 1942;1957-1987, Almirante Valdes (ex-Converse) 1942;1959-1986, Alcala Galiano (ex-Jarvis) 1944;1960-1989, Jorge Juan (ex-McGowan) 1943;1960-1988

Basistyp Fletcher
Oquendo class (Le Hardi class)
1947 9 ordered on base of the French Le Hardi class, 6 cancelled again, Oquendo finshed as planned, the last 2 redesigned and enlarged Oquendo 1963-1978, Blasco de Garay cancelled;--1953, Blas de Lezo cancelled;--1953, Bonifaz cancelled;--1953, Gelmirez cancelled;--1953, Langara cancelled;--1953, Recalde cancelled;--1953

Ähnlicher Typ Lansquenet
Oquendo mod. Class / Roger de Lauria class
Originally Oquendo design, then enlarged and equipped to USN Gearing class FRAM II standards.
Roger de Lauria 1969-1982, Marques de la Ensenada 1970-1988

Roger de Lauria
Gearing class
Churruca 1945;1972-1989, Gravina 1945;1972-1991, Langara 1945;1973-1992, Mendez Nunez 1945;1973-1992, Blas de Lezo 1945;1973-1991

Basistyp Gearing class


Castor class
Castor 1878-1878
Pollux class
Pollux 1879-1879
Rigel class
Rigel 1883-1883 built in Germany, Bremen
Acevedo class
Acevedo 1885-1885, Julian Ordonez 1885-1885. Spanish built on plans of British Childers class
Retamosa class
Retamosa 1885-1885
Orion class
Orion 1885-1885; built at Germania, Germany
Habana class
Habana 1886-1886 British Thorneycroft 125ft type
Barcezo class
Barcezo (Barcelo?) 1886-1886, Bustamente 1887-1887
Azor class
Azor 1887-1887, Halcon 1887-1887
Ariete class
Ariete 1887-1887, Rayo 1887-1887
Ejercito class
Ejercito 1887-1887
T-1 class
Built in Spain with help of Vickers on base of French Cyclone class torpedo boats made by Normand
T1-T22, 1908-1949

2 Torpedo-Boot 1911 (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ Hayabusa 1899

Fregatten, Korvetten

Hunt MS Sloop
HMS Crozier (ex-Verwood, ex-Ventnor) used as republican blockade runner in civil war (as a fast transport) Capitan de corbeta Verdia. After war gunnery trainer Virgen de la Caridad till 1960

Basistyp Virgen de la Caridad HMS Widnes 1917 (UJ 2109 in 1943) (1/1250), HMS Aberdare 1917 (1/600)
Pizarro class
frigate. Design first based on Eolo class minelayers, then on British Black Swan class
Pizarro 1947/51;1947/51-1968, Hernan Cortes 1947/51;1947/51-1971, Martin Alonso Pinzon 1947/51;1947/51-1968, Vasco Nunez de Balboa 1947/51;1947/51-1972, Vincente Yanez Pinzon 1947/51;1947/51-1982, Legaspi 1947/51;1947/51-1978, Magallanes 1947/51;1947/51-1972, Sarmiento de Gamboa 1947/51;1947/51-1973

Ähnlicher Typ Hipper F214 1959 (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ Scharnhorst F213 1960 (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ HMS Starling
Atrevida class
Atrevida 1954-1992, Descubierta 1955-1978, Princesa 1959-1991, Diana 1960-1973, Nautilus 1959-1991, Villa de Bilbao ex Favorita 1960-1991
Knox class / Baleares class
Baleares 1973-2005, Andalucia 1974- , Cataluna 1975-2004, Asturias 1975- , Extremadura 1976-

USS Knox FF-1052 (1970) (1/1250), USS Robert E. Peary ( FF-1073 )
Descubierta class
corvette based on Portugal Joao Coutinho-class
Descubierta 1978- , Diana 1979- , Infanta Elena 1980- , Infanta Cristina 1980- , Cazadora 1981- , Vencedora 1982- , Centinela -1979;-1979-1982, Serviola -1979;-1979-1982

Descubierta 2005 (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ Gomez Roca
Oliver H. Perry / Santa Maria F80 class
Santa Maria ex Navarra 1986- , Victoria ex Pinta ex Leon 1987- , Numancia ex Nina ex Murcia 1988- , Reina Sofia ex America 1990- , Navarra 1994- , Canarias 1994-

USS Oliver H. Perry FFG-7
Serviola class
Serviola 1991- , Centinela 1991- , Vigia 1992- , Atalaya 1992-
pic by
Serviola 1991 (1/1250)
Alvaro de Bazan F100 class
frigate. Shared systems with NL De Zeven P. and German F124, but optically different.
Alvaro de Bazan 2002- , Almirante Juan de Borbon ex Roger de Lauria 2003- , Blas de Lezo 2005- , Mendez Nunez 2006- , Cristóbal Colón 2010,2012-, (Juan de Austria gecancelt)

Alvaro de Bazan F100, Ähnlicher Typ Hessen F221
Meteoro class
OPV 2012- . P-41 Meteoro, P-42 Rayo, P-43 Relámpago, P-44 Tornado, P-45 Audaz, P-46 Furor

Meteoro class OPV
Bonifaz F110 class
Plans: F111 Bonifaz 2026, F112 Roger de Lauria 2028, F113 Menéndez de Avilés 2029, F114 Luis de Córdova 2030, F115 Barceló 2031
cnadiate:Bonifaz F110 by Doggy Industries??


Delfin class fishery protection
trawler type 1011-ca1930s.. Delfin, Dorado, Gaviota
UAD RAS patrols
(1917-1920/1922-1944) UK Admiralty trawlers, Castle type.Uad Lucus (ex-Ness, ex-Alexander Palmer), Uad Martin (ex-Erne, ex-John Chivers), Uad Muluya (ex-Waveney, ex-James Connor), Uad Ras (ex-Wear, ex-John Bomkworth), Uad Targa (ex-Test, ex-Patrick Bowe*), Santa Urbana (ex-Highbridge, ex-Cecil Coombes, ex-George Aiken), Virgen del Carmen (ex-Guimera, ex-Bulby, ex-George Darby), 12.1936- Donostia, Pacífico (ex-Río Mesa, ex-George Greenfield), Atlántico (ex-Atlántico No1, ex-Durby, ex-James Chapman), Cantábrico (ex-Pesquerías Cantábricas No1, ex-Anderby, ex-John Bateman), Txit-Ona (ex-Antares, ex-John Church), Denis (ex-John Clavell), Pemartin (ex-Pesquerías Cantábricas No3, ex-Penfret, ex-John Cooper), Iñasi (ex-Da-Ona, ex-Augustine Isabelle, ex-Robert Davidson), Toralla (ex-Goberny, ex-Walter Burke), Tiburón (ex-Nellie Crawford, ex-William Lambkin), Juan Ignacio (ex-José Ignacio de C., ex-TR31), Alhucemas (ex-RR18, ex-Castillo A, ex-Authorpe, ex-TR3)

Ähnlicher Typ HMS Whalsay T293 (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ HMT Isles class 1942, Ähnlicher Typ HMT Isles class Lindisfarne T361 1943
UAD KERT patrols
1917-1918/1922-1936 UK trawlers Mersey type. Uad Kert (ex-Rother, ex-Anthony Aslett) (non-standard), Arcíla (ex-William Doak)*, Xauen (ex-Henry Cramwell), Pemartin (ex-Panxon, ex-Thomas Bailey), 1.1938- Ruis de la Puente

UJ2101 ex Strymon (1/600), Mersey class trawler
Alcazar patrols
1918-1919/1922-1950s ex French minesweeper Briscard class.Alcázar (ex-Rengage), Larache (ex-Poilu), Tetuán (ex-Grognard)
CONDESTABLE ZARAGOZA fishery protection patrols
(1919/1924) ex French fishing boats (UK built?) Condestable Zaragoza, Cabo de Infantería Marina Garciolo, Contramaestre Castelló, Maquinista Macías, Torpedista Hernández, Marinero Cante, Fogonero Bañobre, Marinero Jarana
LANZÓN patrols
1935 Lanzon 1,2


Isaac Peral
Isaac Peral A-0
1917-1930 holland type similar to USS M-1 (SS-47))

Bausatzkandidat: USS M1 by Bills on Shapeways
A class
F/Laurenti A-1 Narciso Monturiol (1917-1934), A-2 Cosme Garcia (1917-1931), A-3 (1917-1932)
B class
Holland F-105. B-1 (1921-1941), B-2 (1922-1951), B-3 (1922-1940), B-4 (1923-1937), B-5 (1925-1936), B-6 (1926-1936)

Ähnlicher Typ C-1/2 U-Boot (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ C-3 U-Boot (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ C-2 U-Boot
C class
Holland F-105. C-1 - C-6. Very similar to B class/ US S class, slightly larger

C-1/2 U-Boot (1/1250), C-3 U-Boot (1/1250), C-2 U-Boot, Ähnlicher Typ HMS P-555 ex USS S-24
Archimede class
ex Italian. General Mola (1937-1958) (ex-Archimede 1934-1937), General Sanjurjo (1937-1959) (ex-Torricelli 1935-1937)
S-01 class Type VIIC
ex German . S-01 G-7 (1942-1970) (ex-U-573 1941-1942)

U-Boot Typ VIIB
S-10 D class
S-11 (1947-1965)
S-20 D mod
S-21 (1951-1971), S-22 (1954-1971)
S-30 Balao class
S-31 Almirante García de los Reyes (1959-1982) (ex-USS370 Kraken 1944-1959), S-32 Isaac Peral (1971-1980) (ex-USS396 Ronquil 1944-1971), S-33 Narciso Monturiol (1972-1973)(ex-USS382 Picuda 1943-1972), S-34 Cosme García (1972-1980)(ex-USS385 Bang 1943-1972), S-35 Narciso Monturiol (1973-1980)(ex-USS368 Jallao 1944-1974)

USS Balao SS-285, USS Corporal SS-346 GUPPY II 1956
SA-40 Foca class
SA-41 Foca I (1963-1969), SA-42 Foca II (1964-1969)
SA-50 Tiburón class
Midget-Sub based on German Hai-Klasse (very questionnable statement from Wikipedia. Optically indeed similar to U-Hai, but only half the length).
SA-51 Tiburón I (1965-1979), SA-52 Tiburón II (1966-1979)

Ähnlicher Typ U-Boot Hai S-170, Ähnlicher Stil U-Boot Hecht S-171, Ähnlicher Stil U-Boot Typ XXIII, Ähnlicher Stil U-Boot Typ XXIII (1/72),
Bausatzkandidat: Tiburon by MikroMir in 1/144
S-60 Delfín class
French Daphné-class. S-61-S-64 Delfín, Marsopa, Narval, Tonina

Flore / Hangor
S-70 Agosta class
French Agosta class. Galerna (S 71) 1983-, Siroco (S 72) 1983-2012, Mistral (S 73) 1985-, Tramontana (S 74) 1985-

Bausatzkandidat: Agosta class by OKB Grigorov,
Bausatzkandidat: Agosta 70 SSK by Amatuer on Shapeways
S-80 Peral class
planned to deploy 2022+ . S-81 Isaac Peral, S-82 Narciso Monturiol, S-83 Cosme García, S-84 Mateo García de los Reyes

Ähnlicher Typ Soryu 2007


G-5 class
11 / LT-15, 21 / LT-16, 31, 41

G-5 Soviet MTB
S-1 class
Badajoz (LT-15) (1937-1944) ex S-1 German, Falange (LT-13) (1936-1937) ex S-2 German, Oviedo (LT-12) (1937-1940) ex S-3 German, Requeté (LT-11) (1936-1946) ex S-4 German, Toledo (LT-14) (1939-1944) ex S-5 German

Ähnlicher Typ S-Boot (S7 oder S-10 bis S-13)
Sicilia (LT-18) (1937-?) ex MAS 100 Italian., Nápoles (LT-19) (1937-?) ex MAS 223 Italian., Cándido Pérez (LT-16) (1937-?) ex MAS 435 talian., Javier Quiroga (LT-17) (1937-1937) ex MAS 436 Italian.
S-38 class
German construction
LT-21 (1943-1956) Ex S-73 German
LT-22 (1943-1956) Ex S-78 German
LT-23 (1943-1956) Ex S-124 German
LT-24 (1943-1955) Ex S-125 German
LT-25 (1943-1955) Ex S-126 German
LT-26 (1943-1957) Ex S-145 German
Spanish construction
LT-27 (1953-1963)
LT-28 (1953-1963)
LT-29 (1953-1961)
LT-30 (1953-1977)
LT-31 (1956-1977)
LT-32 (1959-1974)

S-Boote S100-Klasse 1/700, S-100
Lazaga class
1975… Lürssen FPB-57 Design Basistyp Lazaga class
Klasse 143 German Missile Boat


Marte class
Marte, Neptuno
Jupiter class
modernized Marte: Jupiter, Vulcano
Eolo class
Eolo, Triton


Hunt MS class
Virgen de la Caridad (ex-Capitán de Corbeta Remigio Verdia, ex-Queen of the Bay, ex-Protea, ex-Crozier, ex-Verwood, ex-Ventnor)

HMS Widnes 1917 (UJ 2109 in 1943) (1/1250), HMS Aberdare 1917 (1/600)
Bidasoa class
on plans of German M1940 type

M469 Typ 40 (1943), M-Boot Typ 40 (1/1250), TS-4 ex M278 1945
Guadiaro class
further M1940 boats

M469 Typ 40 (1943), M-Boot Typ 40 (1/1250), TS-4 ex M278 1945
Nalón class
ex Adjutant / Bluebird class

USS Adjutant => Ponta Delgada (M 405), Castagno M5504 (1/1250)
Guadalete class
ex Aggressive class

USS Aggressive class
Segura class
enlarged British Sandown design

Ähnlicher Typ HMS Sandown,
Bausatzkandidat: Frankenthal&Segura Class by SNAFU on Shapeways in

Nicht zugeordnet


Enforcer Design / Bay class (Enforcer Design)
Galicia L51, Castilla L52

Galicia class (Enforcer Design), Ähnlicher Typ RFA Mounts Bay,
RFA Mounts Bay


European Patrol Corvette PPX
European Patrol Corvette PPX, European Patrol Corvette PPX

kleine Kampfboote

Klasse 143A / Lürssen FPB-57 Design / Type 143A Gepard class

Klasse 143A German Missile Boat



War Pigeon 1917 (Full)

Kanguro 1937
Casa Grande class

USS Comstock LSD-19
Enforcer Design / Bay class (Enforcer Design)

RFA Mounts Bay
LCM / Allied Landing Craft WW2

Newport class

ROCS Chung Ho (LST-232)

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Letzte Änderung dieser Seite: Sonntag 27 Oktober 2024 22:23.