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Operation Weserübung 8.4.40-8.6.40 , , ,übung

Deployment, Occupation


Battleship Force

Gneisenau, Scharnhorst
Gneisenau x leicht durch Renown 9.4.

Scharnhorst 1943 (deluxe) (Scharnhorst class)

Kriegsschiffgruppe 1 Narvik

1.Flottille, Typ 1934
Z2 Georg Thiele† 13.4.

Z1 Leberecht Maass 1938 (Zerstörer Typ 1934Z1)
2. Flottille, Typ 1934A
Z9 Wolfgang Zenker, Z11 Bernd von Arnim , Z12 Erich Geise, Z13 Erich Koellner
alle † 13.4.

Z7 Hermann Schoemann 1937 (Zerstörer Klasse 1934A)
3. Flottille, Typ 1936
Z17 Diether von Roeder † 13.4., Z18 Hans Lüdemann † 13.4., Z19 Hermann Künne † 13.4., Z21 Wilhelm Heidkamp † 10.4., Z22 Anton Schmitt † 10.4.

Z21 Wilhelm Heidkamp (1940) (Zerstörer Klasse 1936)

Kriegsschiffgruppe 2 Trondheim

Admiral Hipper
x 8.4. durch Rammen HMS Glowworm

Admiral Hipper 1941 (Admiral Hipper class)
2. Flottille, Typ 1934A
Z5 Paul Jakobi, Z6 Theodor Riedel, Z8 Bruno Heinemann, Z16 Friedrich Eckoldt

Z7 Hermann Schoemann 1937 (Zerstörer Klasse 1934A)

Kriegsschiffgruppe 3 Bergen und Stavanger

Köln, Königsberg (x 9.4. durch norw Küstenartillerie, 10.4. † durch Luftangriff)

x 9.4. Küstenartillerie. Bremse versenkt norw T-Boot Stegg

Bremse (Artillerieschulschiff)
T-Boot 1924
Leopard († Kollision 30.4.), Wolf

Jaguar (1940) (Torpedoboot Typ 24 Raubtierklasse)
Carl Peters
S-Tender 1. S-Bootflotille x 9.4. Küstenartillerie

Carl Peters -1943- (Carl Peters class), Adolf Lüderitz 1942 (Carl Peters class)
S19 x Kollision, S21 x Kollision, S22, S23, S24.
Hilfsschiffe (16. VP Gruppe?)
Schiff 9 Koblenz († 10.4. Mine), Schiff 18 Alteland (erbeutet norw Minenleger Tyr), später Schiff 221/ Veslegut (ex norwegisches Walfangboot 17.4 übernommen)

Kriegsschiffgruppe 4 Kristiansand, Arendal

Karlsruhe † 9.4. auif Rückweg von Uboot HMS Truant

T-Boot 1923
Seeadler, Greif

Falke (1944) (Torpedoboot Typ 23 Raubvogelklasse)
T-Boot 1924

Jaguar (1940) (Torpedoboot Typ 24 Raubtierklasse)
Tender 2.S-Bootflottille

Tsingtau 1940 (Tsingtau 1940)
S7, S8, S17, S30, S31, S32, S33

S-Boot (S7 oder S-10 bis S-13) (Lürssen S7 class), S-Boot S7-S10 1939/45 (Lürssen S7 class), S-Boot Yue 22 (dt. C1) 1938 (Lürssen C1 (S2 / S30) class)

Kriegsschiffgruppe 5 Oslo

9.4.Küstenbatterie Oscarsborg

Admiral Hipper 1941 (Admiral Hipper class)
x 9.4. Küstenbatterie Oscarsborg x 11.4. auf Rückmarsch durch Uboot HMS Spearfish

Lützow ex Deutschland (Deutschland-Klasse (1931))

Emden (1944)
T-Boot 1923
Albatros † 10.4. Küstenartillerie, Kondor, Möwe

Falke (1944) (Torpedoboot Typ 23 Raubvogelklasse)
1. Räumbootsflottille
R17-R24 (R17 † , R22 x durch norw Olav Tryggvason and Rauma)

R17-R20 Minenräumer (Typ R17)
Vp Boote
ex Walfänger Rau 7, Rau 8

Similar type Vorpostenboote ex Walfänger (1/600)

Kriegsschiffgruppe 6 Egersund

1., 2. M-Flottille
M1, M2, M9, M13 ((captured) Skarv)

M12 M-Boot Typ 35 (1940) (M-Boot Typ 35)

Kriegsschiffgruppe 7 Nyborg / Korsör (Denmark)


Schleswig-Holstein (Linienschiff Deutschland-Klasse (1904))
Claus von Bevern
Versuchsboot ex M-Boot ex T-Boot

Similar type T151 Comet (Großes Torpedoboot 1906)
Pelikan, Nautilus
Versuchsboot ex M-Boot: Pelikan M28, Nautilus ex M81

Similar type M50 Typ 15 (1916) / Brommy (M-Boot Typ 15), Similar type Ziethen ex M138 (M-Boot Typ 15) (1/1250)
Tender Minenräumbarkassen
6 Fischdampfer/Hilfsminensucher: Hugin, Hagen, Hildebrand, Munin, Odin, Volker
Föhn, Taifun

Kriegsschiffgruppe 8 Kopenhagen (Denmark)

Hansestadt Danzig
Minenleger als Truppentransporter
pic by
Hansestadt Danzig (1940) (1/1250)
13. VP Flottille

Kriegsschiffgruppe 9 Middelfart/Belt-Brücke (Denmark)

Transporter, Flaggschiff
M-Boot 1916
M157, Arkona, Otto Braun

Similar type M50 Typ 15 (1916) / Brommy (M-Boot Typ 15), Similar type Ziethen ex M138 (M-Boot Typ 15) (1/1250)
R6, R7

R3-7 (2st)
U-Jäger / VP
UJ172 oder 107?, V102, V103
Passat, Monsun

Kriegsschiffgruppe 10 Esbjerg (Denmark)

Königin Luise F6

Flottenbegleiter F 9 (F 1-F 10) (Flottenbegleiter), Flottenbegleiter Fx (Flottenbegleiter)
12. M_Flottille Minensucher
M4, M20, M84, M102

M12 M-Boot Typ 35 (1940) (M-Boot Typ 35)
12. M_Flottille Hilfs-Minensucher
KFK M1201, KFK M1202, KFK M1203, KFK M1204, KFK M1205, KFK M1206, KFK M1207, KFK M1208

KFK Kriegsfischkutter (1943/45) (KFK)
2. R-Flottille
R25, R26, R27, R28, R29, R30, R31, R32

Similar type R17-R20 Minenräumer (Typ R17)

Kriegsschiffgruppe 11 Limfjord (Denmark)

4. M-Flottille
M-61, M-89, M-110, M-111, M-134, M-136

M12 M-Boot Typ 35 (1940) (M-Boot Typ 35)
3. R-Flottille
R 33, R 34, R 35, R 36, R 37, R 38, R 39, R 40

Similar type R17-R20 Minenräumer (Typ R17)
Von Der Groeben

Similar type M50 Typ 15 (1916) / Brommy (M-Boot Typ 15)

Deckungsgruppe Minensucher


Schleswig-Holstein (Linienschiff Deutschland-Klasse (1904))



Roland 1940 (1/1250)

pic by
Cobra 1940 (1/1250)

pic by
Similar type Hansestadt Danzig (1940) (1/1250)
Königin Luise

Königin Luise 1940 (1/1250)
umgebaute ex _M-Sucher M6, M10, M11, M12

M12 M-Boot Typ 35 (1940) (M-Boot Typ 35)


1 (Westfjord)
U 25 (IA), U 46 (VIIB), U 51 (VIIB), U 64 (IXB) † 13.4. durch Bordflugzeug Warspite, U 65 (IXB)

U-Boot Typ I U-25 (U-Boot Typ I), U-Boot Typ VIIB (Typ VII), U-Boot Typ IXC (Typ IX)
2 (Trondheim)
U 30 (VIIA), U 34 (VIIA)

U-Boot Typ VIIB (Typ VII)
3 (Bergen)
U 9 (IIB), U 14 (IIB), U 56 (IIC), U 60 (IIC) U 62 (IIC)

U-Boot Typ II U-7 (U-Boot Typ II)
4 (Stavanger)
U 1 (IIA) 6.4. † Express, Esk, Icarus und Ivanhoe, U 4 (IIA)

U-Boot Typ II U-7 (U-Boot Typ II)
5 (ostwärts Shetland)
U 47, U 48, U 49 † 15.4. von Zerstörern Fearless und Brazen, U 50 6.4. † Express, Esk, Icarus und Ivanhoe, U 52, später U 37
alle VIIB

U-Boot Typ VIIB (Typ VII)
6 (Pentland-Firth)
U 13 (IIB), U 19 (IIB), U 57 (IIC), U 58 (IIC), U 59 (IIC)

U-Boot Typ II U-7 (U-Boot Typ II)
8 (Lindesnes)
U 2, U 3, U 5, U 6
alle IIA

U-Boot Typ II U-7 (U-Boot Typ II)
9 (Shetland-Orkney)
U 7, U 10
alle IIB

U-Boot Typ II U-7 (U-Boot Typ II)
U-17 (IIB), U-23 (IIB), U-24 (IIB), U-61 (IIC)

U-Boot Typ II U-7 (U-Boot Typ II)
U-Transporter (Trondheim)
U 26 (IA), U 29 (VIIA), U 32 (VIIA), U 43 (IXA), U 101 (VIIB), UA (ex Batiray)

U-Boot Typ I U-25 (U-Boot Typ I), U-Boot Typ VIIB (Typ VII), U-Boot Typ IXC (Typ IX), U-Boot UA ex Batiray (Typ IX|Saldiray class) (1/1250)

Transport, Supply

Skagerrak, Kattegat, Jan Wellem, Moonsund, Euroland, Senator, Belt, Stedingen, Dollart
Bärenfels, Rauenfels, Alster, Florida, Sao Paulo, Levante, Main, Roda
Seetransportstaffel 1, 2, 3
Ionia, Neidenfels, Antares, Muansa, Itauri, Wiegand, Westsee, Kreta, August Leonhardt, Tübingen, Tijuka, Mendoza, Marie Leonhardt, Curityba, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia Castillo, Hanau, Wandsbek, Kellerwald, Rosario, Wolfram, Wigbert, Friedenau, Hamm, Tucuman, Espana, Scharhörn

War Pigeon 1917 (Full) (BRITISH WW1 Type B STANDARD CARGO|BRITISH WW1 Type A STANDARD CARGO), Pinguin HSK5 1941 (Ehrenfels-Klasse), Atlantis HSK2 (Ehrenfels-Klasse)
6 ehem. Walfangboote der 15. Vorposten-Flottille (V 1501, V 1505, V 1506, V 1507 † , V 1508 und V 1509), 7 Boote der Torpedo-Schulflottille (u.a. T 155) sowie 4 ehem Walfangboote der 13. U-Jagd-Gruppe (UJ G, UJ H, UJ I und UJ K)
weitere: Schiff 40/ Schürbeck , UJ 125, UJ 126 und UJ 128 (12. UJ-Flottille), UJ B/Treff V....

SMS V150/155 (Großes Torpedoboot 1906), Sperrbrecher 18 Schürbeck (Sperrbrecher 18)
Eisenbahnfähren Rostock-Gedser
Schwerin, Mecklenburg getarnte Anlandung von Truppen in Gedser

Schwerin -1940/44- (Schwerin -1940)
Weitere (bereits vor Ort…)
Neuenfels, Aachen, Altona …

Similar type Schwabenland (Schwabenland)


See also
Niels Juel

Niels Juel (1/1250)
Peder Sklram

Peder Skram 1939 (Peder Skram 1909 class) (1/1250), Peder Skram 1922 (Peder Skram 1909 class)
HVALROSSEN class torpedo boats (1913)
SPRINGEREN torpedo boats (1917)
DRAGEN/Glenten torpedo boats (1929-33)
HDMS Dragen, Hvalen and Laxen, Glenten, Høgen and Ørnen

Laxen T3 1931 (Dragen class) (1/1250)
ÆGIR class subs (1915)
ROTA class subs (1920)
DAPHNE class subs (1926)
Daphne and Drayden
Havmanden class subs (1938)
Havmanden, Havfruen, Havkalen (and Havhesten ready 1942)
Henrik Gerner Minelayer (1928)
Minelayer and Submarine tender
Lindormen Minelayer (1940)
Minekran NR.5 class Minelayer (1917)
Laaland class Minelayer (1941)
Laaland and Lougen
Söbjörnen class Minesweepers (1938)
MS1 class Mkinesweepers (1941)
3 escaped to Sweden
Fishery protection
HVIDBJØRNEN (1929), MAAGEN, a cutter (1932), INGOLF (1934), HEJMDAL (1935), TERNEN (a cutter of 1937), and FREJA (1939).
In addition there were the BESKYTTEREN, a patrol ship of 1900 and the Diana (1917), and the Islands Falk (1906).
P1 class boats

Freja 1938 / Südpol (1/1250)


Coastal Defense Ships
Eidsvold class
Eidsvold († 9 April durch Z 21 Wilhelm Heidkamp), Norge († 9 April durch Z 11 Bernd von Arnim)

Norge (Norge class) (1/1250), Eidsvold / Norge (Norge class)
7 destroyers
Three Draug class
Troll ((captured) 18 May), Garm († 26 April) and Draug (evacuated to GB 9 April).

Garm 1913/1940 (Draug class), Troll 1940 (Draug class) (1/1250)
Four Sleipner class
Æger († 9 April), Sleipner (evacuated to GB 25 April), Gyller and Odin (both (captured) 9 April)
2 uncompleted: Tor († 9 April) and Balder (captured 9 April)
pic by
Sleipner (1937) (Sleipner class) (1/1250), Tiger ex Tor 1941 (Sleipner 1936 class) (1/1250)
11 minelayers
Five Vale class
Vale ((captured) 13 May), Uller (captured 9 April, † by Norwegian forces 1 May), Brage ((captured) 9 April), Nor (captured 14 April), Vidar ((captured) 14 April)
Two Gor class
Gor ((captured) 13 May), Tyr ((captured) 20 April),
Two Glommen class
Glommen ((captured) 14 April), Laugen ((captured) 14 April),
(† 13 April)

Fröya 1940 (1/1250)
Olav Tryggvason
((captured) 9 April)

Brummer II 1944 ex Norway Olav Tryggvason
8 minesweepers
Two Otra class
Two Otra class: Otra ((captured) 10 April) and Rauma ((captured) 9 April)

HNoMS Otra (Togo)
Six rebuilt 2. class torpedo boats
Six rebuilt 2. class torpedo boats: Djerv († 2 May), Dristig († 2 May), Hvas ((captured) 11 April), Kjæk (captured 12 April), Falk ((captured) 12 April), Hauk ((captured) 9 April)
9 submarines
Three A class
Three A class vessels: A-2 (damaged and run aground 9 April), A-3 († 16 April), A-4 († 16 April)
Six B class
Six B class vessels: B-1 (evacuated to GB 8 June), B-2 ((captured) 11 April), B-3 († 10 June), B-4 ((captured) 10 April), B-5 ((captured) 9 April), B-6 ((captured) 18 May)
17 torpedo boats
Three Trygg class
Three Trygg class: Trygg († 25 April), Snøgg ((captured) 5 May), Stegg († 20 April)

Trygg 1940 (Trygg class) (1/1250)
Six 1. class
Six 1. class: Brand ((captured) 9 April), Laks ((captured) 13 April), Sæl († 18 April), Storm († 12/13 April), Sild († 5 May), Skrei († 8 May)

Hval 1939 (Hval class) (1/1250), Similar type Torpediniere Alto Maro 80S class (80S-110S) 1888 (Torpediniere Alto Maro Classe S), Similar type SMS S7 (S7 Class)
Eight 2. class
Eight 2. class: Grib († 17 April), Jo († 17 April), Kjell ((captured) 11 April), Lom ((captured) 9 April), Ravn († 17 April), Skarv ((captured) 9 April), Teist († 14 April), Ravn ((captured) 9 April)

Kjell 1940 (Teist class) (1/1250)
58 patrol boats, including:

Fridtjof Nansen (evacuated to GB 8 June), Heimdal (evacuated to GB 8 June), Honningsvåg ((captured) from the Germans 13 April, evacuated to GB 7 June), Nordkapp (evacuated to GB 8 June), Senja (Nordkapp class) Michael Sars , Oster (captured 22 May), Pol III ((captured) 14 April), Thorodd (evacuated to GB 8 June), Kelt

Fridtjof Nansen 1936 (1/1250)


Battleships, Battlecruiser

HMS Royal Oak (Revenge class)

HMS Nelson (Nelson class), HMS Rodney (Nelson class)
Valiant, Warspite

HMS Warspite 1942 (Queen Elizabeth class), Similar type HMS Barham 1941 (Queen Elizabeth class)
Renown, Repulse

HMS Renown
Aircraft Carrier
Ark Royal

HMS Ark Royal 1939 (HMS Ark Royal III), HMS Ark Royal (HMS Ark Royal III)
Furious, Glorious

HMS Courageous 1939 (Courageous class)
County class CA
Berwick, Devonshire, Suffolk (x and beached 17 April)

HMS Suffolk (County class|Kent Class) (1/600), HMS Dorsetshire 1934 (County class|Norfolk group), HMS Norfolk, Battle of North Cape Limited Edition (County class|Norfolk group)
York class CA

HMS Exeter 1939 (York Class), HMS Exeter (York Class)
Hawkins class CA
Effingham (grounded 17 May, † ),

HMS Hawkins 1942
Town class CL
Birmingham, Glasgow, Manchester, Sheffield, Southampton

HMS Belfast 1943 (Town Cruiser Class|Edinburgh Cruiser Class) (1/600), HMS Sheffield 1942 (Town cruiser class|Southampton group)
Arethusa class CL
Arethusa, Aurora, , Galatea,, Penelope (grounded 11 April, x )

HMS Arethusa 1945 (Arethusa class), HMS Penelope 1940 (Deluxe Edition) (Arethusa class)
E class CL

HMS Emerald 1943/1944 (Emerald class), HMS Enterprise (Emerald class)
C class AA
Cairo (x 28 May), Calcutta, Carlisle, Coventry, Curacoa (x 24 April), Curlew († 26 May),

HMS Coventry 1940 (C Class Cruiser), HMS Calcutta 1941 (C Class Cruiser)
DD, Sloops
Tribal class
Afridi († 3 May), Bedouin, Cossack, Eskimo, Gurkha († 9 April), Punjabi and Zulu

HMCS Huron 1944 (Tribal Class Destroyer)
V&W class

HMAS Vampire D68 (V Class Destroyer), HMS Winchester L55 (WAIR 1942) (V Class Destroyer), HMAS Vampire für LRE Umbau (V Class Destroyer)
A class
Acasta († 8 June), Ardent († 8 June)

HMS Acasta / Ardent (A class), HMS Acasta 1930 (A class) (1/1250), Similar type Caldas ex Douro (Douro class) (1/1250), HMS Codrington (A class) (1/1250)
E&F class
Forester, Foxhound

HMS Echo (EF Class Destroyer)
G&H class
Glowworm († 8 April durch Z 11 Bernd von Arnim und Hipper), Hardy († 10 April), Havock, Hero, Hostile, Hotspur, Hunter († 10 April)

ORP Garland H37 (GH Class Destroyer)
I class

HMS Impulsive (I Class) (1/500), HMS Inglefield D02 (I Class) (1/1250), HMS Ithuriel (I Class)
J/K/N class

HMS Kelly / Kipling (JKN Class Destroyer), HMS Kipling Mai 1941 Kreta (JKN Class Destroyer), HMS Jupiter G85 (JKN Class Destroyer), HMS Jupiter SP (JKN Class Destroyer)
Egret class sloop
Auckland (x 20 April)

HMS Egret (Egret class) (1/1250)
Bittern class sloop
Bittern († 30 April), Stork

HMS Bittern (Bittern class)
Black Swan class sloop
Black Swan, Flamingo

HMS Ibis (Black Swan), HMS Starling (Black Swan)
Grimsby class sloop

HMS Leith (U36) (Grimsby class) (1/1250), HMAS Yarra U77 (Grimsby class), HMAS Parramatta (Grimsby class)
17 submarines
Sterlet († 18 April), Tarpon († 10 April), Thistle († 10 April), Seal ((captured) 5 May)

HMS Sahib S-class P212 1942/43 (S class U-Boot), Similar type HMS Odin ( O class group 2) 1929/40 (O class U-Boot)
Mine ships
minesweepers ??
Minelayers ??

France (Force Z)

Emile Bertin class
Émile Bertin

Emile Bertin (1942) (Bertin)
La Galissonnière class

Georges Leygues (1945) (La Galissonnière class)
Auxiliary Cruiser
El Djezaïr, El Mansour, El Kantara, Ville d'Oran
Guepard class
Bison († 3 May by Ju87)

Guepard (1942) (Guepard Class)
Vauquelin class
Tartu, Maillé Brézé, Chevalier Paul

Tartu (1942) (Vauquelin)
L'Alcyon class
Boulonnais, Brestois, Foudroyant

Fougueux (L'Alcyon class) (1/1250)
Gerfaut class
Milan, Épervier

Milan (1942) (Gerfaut), Commandant Delage (Elan class)
Saphir class

Rubis 1933 (Saphir class)


Grom Class
ORP Grom († 4 May), ORP Błyskawica

ORP Grom (1940) (Grom Class Destroyer)
Burza class
ORP Burza

ORP Burza (1936) (Wicher Class Destroyer)
Orzel class
ORP Orzeł († 8 June)

ORP Orzel Sub-Minelayer 1940 (Orzel class)
MS Chrobry (x later scuttled † 16 May), MS Sobieski, MS Batory

Sobieski 1939 (Sobieski 1939)

Operation Juno 8.6.40, Sinking of Glorious


Battleship Force
Scharnhorst x , Gneisenau

Scharnhorst 1943 (deluxe) (Scharnhorst class)
Battleship Force
Admiral Hipper

Admiral Hipper 1941 (Admiral Hipper class)
Typ 1934A
Z10 Hans Lody, Z7 Hermann Schoemann, Z15 Erich Steinbrick

Z7 Hermann Schoemann 1937 (Zerstörer Klasse 1934A)
Typ 1936
Z20 Karl Galster

Z21 Wilhelm Heidkamp (1940) (Zerstörer Klasse 1936)



HMS Courageous 1939 (Courageous class), Similar type HMS Glorious 1917 as light Battlecruiser (Courageous class) (1/1250)
Acasta, Ardent

HMS Acasta / Ardent (A class), HMS Acasta 1930 (A class) (1/1250), Similar type Caldas ex Douro (Douro class) (1/1250), HMS Codrington (A class) (1/1250)
empty troop transport
Oil Pioneer
HMT Juniper
tree class armed trawler

HMS Ash 1940 (Tree class|Isles class) (1/1250)
Hospital ship


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