screening 1.BCSC class / Calliope group: Champion CL,
9 Admiralty M (Nestor†
, Nomad†
, Narborough, Obdurate, Petard, Pelican, Onslow x
, Moresby, Nicator), 1 Yarrow M (Nerissa)
Ähnlicher Typ
HMS Caroline 1914 (C Class Cruiser),
HMS Mary Rose (1916) (Admiralty M Class) 10.DF
screening 1.BCS
2 Talisman (Turbulent, Termagant)
Attached Tender to Iron DukeOak (Destroyer tender to flagship I class. As tender most of the time was painted white)
HMS Acheron (Acheron/I class) Attached 4.BS
4.DFleaders Faulknor class: Tipperary†
, Brokex
1 Admiralty M (Ophelia),
16 K class (Achates, Porpoise, Spitfirex
, Unity, Garland, Ambuscade, Ardent†
, Fortune†
, Sparrowhawk†
, Contest, Shark†
, Acastax
, Christopher, Owl, Hardy, Midge)
HMS Tipperary (Faulknor x Almirante class) (1/1250),
HMS Mary Rose (1916) (Admiralty M Class),
HMS Spitfire 1912 (Acasta / K class) 11.DFC class / Cambrian class: Castorx
leader Marksman class: Kempenfelt,
11 Admiralty M (Ossory, Mystic, Magic, Mandate, Minion, Martial, Milbrook, Marne, Manners, Michael, Mons),
3 Yarrow M (Morning Star, Mounsey, Moon)
Ähnlicher Typ
HMS Caroline 1914 (C Class Cruiser),
HMS Marksman 1915 (Marksman class),
HMS Mary Rose (1916) (Admiralty M Class),
HMS Amphion 1913 (Active class) (1/1250) 12.DFleader Faulknor class: Faulknor,
leader Marksman class: Marksman,
14 Admiralty M (Obedient, Maenad, Opal, Mary Rose, Marvel, Menace, Nessus, Narwhal, Mindful, Onslaughtx
, Munster, Nonsuch, Nobel, Mischief)
HMS Tipperary (Faulknor x Almirante class) (1/1250),
HMS Marksman 1915 (Marksman class),
HMS Mary Rose (1916) (Admiralty M Class)
9.DFArethusa class: Undaunted,
leader Marksman class Lightfoot,
17 L class (Lark, Laverock, Linnet, Laertes, Laforey, Lance, Lawford, Legion, Lennox, Leonidas, Llewellyn, Lookout, Loyal, Lucifer, Lysander, Lassoo, Lochinar)
HMS Arethusa 1914 (Arethusa 1914 class) (1/1250),
HMS Marksman 1915 (Marksman class),
HMS Legion 1914 (L 1914 class) 10.DFArethusa class: Aurora, 1 leader Marksman class Nimrod, 10 Admiralty M (Manly, Mansfield, Matchless, Mentor, Meteor, Milne, Minos, Miranda, Murray, Myngs)
HMS Arethusa 1914 (Arethusa 1914 class) (1/1250),
HMS Marksman 1915 (Marksman class),
HMS Mary Rose (1916) (Admiralty M Class)
Harwich flottilla
E16, E23, E37, H9, D3, V1, H10, Lurcher,E31, E53, D6, E55, E26, D1, Talisman, G2, G3, G4, G5
Blyth flottilla
G3, G4, G6, E42, G10, E30
Kite Balloon Ship
Royal Sovereign
Emperor of India, Blonde
Queen Elizabeth
Achilles, Donegal
Botha, Jackal, Archer, Tigress, Phoenix
Cockatrice, Paragon, Victor
Marmion, Musketeer
Napier, Maleluke
Negro, Nereus, Paladin, Penn, Pigeon, Nepean
IX.T-FlottilleGroßes Torpedoboot 1913: V28, 17.Halbflottille (V27†
, V26, S36, S51, S52), 18.HF (V30, S34, S33, V29†
, S35†
SMS G37 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913),
SMS V25 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913) II.T-Flottillemixed Torpedoboot-Zerstörer Class, Großes Torpedoboot 1914A:
B98, 3.HF(G101, G102, B112, B97), 4.HF (B109, B110, B111, G103, G104)
SMS B-98 (Torpedoboot-Zerstörer (1914R) Class),
SMS G101 (Großes Torpedoboot 1914A) (1/1250) VI.T-FlottilleGroßes Torpedoboot 1913: G41, 11.HF((G41), V44, G87, G86), 12.HF (V69, V45, V46, S50, G37)
SMS G37 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913),
SMS V25 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913)
V.T-FlottilleGroßes Torpedoboot 1911: G11, 9.HF (V2, V4†
, V6, V1, V3), 10.HF (G8, G7, V5, G9, G10)
T111 ex G11 (Großes Torpedoboot 1911) (1/1250),
SMS S14 1912 (Großes Torpedoboot 1911)
Ms U 43 - U 65U43, U44, U45, U46, U47, U48, U49, U51, U52, U53, U55, U56, U63, U64, U65
SMS U57 (U57 Klasse) UD
U66, U67, U69, U70
UB IIUB18, UB19, UB21, UB22, UB23, UB27, UB29, UB35, UB37, UB39
SMS UB II (UBII class) (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ
Vesikko (Vesikko class)
Preussen in Ostsee
König Albert Reparatur
in Ostsee auf Training
Graudenz, Stralsund
Strasburg, Kolberg, Augsburg
Auf Warteposition
IV. Aufklärungsgruppe
Berlin in Werft