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This site shows an 'order of battle' page. As models it displays either the ship or one of the same class. If I have a model, this is shown. Otherwise candidates in the market may be referenced.

Operation Rheinübung (Bismarck) 18.5.-27.5.1941

Sortie Gdingen 18.5.


Bismarck (Bismarck-Klasse), Tirpitz 1944 (Bismarck-Klasse), Bismarck (Bismarck-Klasse)
Prinz Eugen

Admiral Hipper 1941 (Admiral Hipper class), Prinz Eugen (Admiral Hipper class)
Z 10 Hans Lody, Z 16 Friedrich Eckoldt, Z 23

Z7 Hermann Schoemann 1937 (Zerstörer Klasse 1934A), Z28 (1945) (Zerstörer Klasse 1936A)
Sperrbrechern 13 und 31

Sperrbrecher 13 Minerva 1943 (Sperrbrecher 13)
5. Minensuchflottille
M 4, M 23, M 31, M 201, M 202, M 205, M 251, M 252, M 253

M12 M-Boot Typ 35 (1940) (M-Boot Typ 35), M201 Typ 35 Kampfgruppenboot 1944 (M-Boot Typ 35), Brummer ex M85 (M-Boot Typ 35) (1/1250), M205 Typ 35 (M-Boot Typ 35)
German U-Boats in the area

Passage Kattegat 20.5.

Reported Bismarck to Royal Navy

Gotland -1936/44-

Battle of the Denmark Strait 24.5.



Bismarck (Bismarck-Klasse), Tirpitz 1944 (Bismarck-Klasse), Bismarck (Bismarck-Klasse)
Prinz Eugen

Admiral Hipper 1941 (Admiral Hipper class), Prinz Eugen (Admiral Hipper class)

Royal Navy


HMS Hood
Prince of Wales

HMS Duke of York 9.1941 (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse)
Norfolk, Sufolk
Cruiser Sqn 1

HMS Norfolk, Battle of North Cape Limited Edition (County class|Norfolk group), HMS Suffolk (County class|Kent Class) (1/600)
Achates, Antelope, Anthony, Echo, Electra, Icarus

HMS Acasta / Ardent (A class), HMS Echo (EF Class Destroyer)
Manchester, Birmingham, Arethusa
Iceland-Faeroes Passage Patrol

HMS Sheffield 1942 (Town cruiser class|Southampton group), HMS Arethusa 1945 (Arethusa class), HMS Penelope 1940 (Deluxe Edition) (Arethusa class)
5 trawlers

Similar style Mersey class trawler (Mersey class trawler)

Pursuit 24.5.



Bismarck (Bismarck-Klasse), Tirpitz 1944 (Bismarck-Klasse), Bismarck (Bismarck-Klasse)
Prinz Eugen
entlassen als Raider left as raider

Admiral Hipper 1941 (Admiral Hipper class), Prinz Eugen (Admiral Hipper class)
15 Boote im Atlantik liefen zusammen, um 2 Barrieren zu bilden.
U556, U98, U74, U552, U97, U48, U73, U108, U93, U43, U46, U557, U66, U94, U556 - davon einige ohne Torpedos 15 boats organized as barriers

U-Boot Typ VIIB (Typ VII), U-Boot Typ IXC (Typ IX)

Royal Navy


Prince of Wales

HMS Duke of York 9.1941 (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse)
Norfolk, Suffolk
Cruiser Sqn 1

HMS Norfolk, Battle of North Cape Limited Edition (County class|Norfolk group), HMS Suffolk (County class|Kent Class) (1/600)

Home Fleet

King George V

HMS Duke of York 9.1941 (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse)

HMS Renown

HMS Victorious (1945) (Illustrious), HMS Victorious 1958 (Illustrious)
Cruiser Sqn 2
Galatea, Hermione, Kenya, Aurora, Neptune

HMS Arethusa 1945 (Arethusa class), HMS Penelope 1940 (Deluxe Edition) (Arethusa class), HMS Naiad (1940) (Dido class), HMS Trinidad (1942) (Colony class), HMS Ajax 1942 (Leander class)
3rd Destroyer Flottilla
Inglefield, Intrepid, Active, Punjabi, Windsor, Lance

HMS Impulsive (I Class) (1/500), HMS Inglefield D02 (I Class) (1/1250), HMS Ithuriel (I Class), HMS Tartar F43 (Tribal Class Destroyer), HMS Tribal Class Destroyer (Tribal Class Destroyer), HMS Acasta / Ardent (A class), HMS Acasta 1930 (A class) (1/1250), HMAS Vampire D68 (V Class Destroyer), HMS Winchester L55 (WAIR 1942) (V Class Destroyer), HMS Legion (1941) (LM Class Destroyer), HMS Legion (1942) (LM Class Destroyer)
Repulse escort
(1257)Legion, HMCS Assiniboine, HMCS Saguenay

HMS Legion (1941) (LM Class Destroyer), HMS Legion (1942) (LM Class Destroyer), HMS Daring H16 (CD class), HMS Acasta / Ardent (A class)

Force H

Ark Royal

HMS Ark Royal 1939 (HMS Ark Royal III), HMS Ark Royal (HMS Ark Royal III)

HMS Renown

HMS Sheffield 1942 (Town cruiser class|Southampton group)
8. Destroyer Flottilla
Faulknor, Foresight, Foxhound, Fury, Hesperus

HMS Echo (EF Class Destroyer), HMS Harvester H19 (GH Class Destroyer), ORP Garland H37 (GH Class Destroyer)


4.Destroyer-Flottilla (Vian)
Cossack, Maori, Sikh, Zulu und die polnische Piorun. Von Geleiteskorte abkommandiert

HMS Tartar F43 (Tribal Class Destroyer), HMS Tribal Class Destroyer (Tribal Class Destroyer), HMCS Huron 1944 (Tribal Class Destroyer)
6.Destroyer Flottilla
Mashona, Tartar, Eskimo, Somali (from Britannic escort)

HMS Tartar F43 (Tribal Class Destroyer), HMS Tribal Class Destroyer (Tribal Class Destroyer), HMCS Huron 1944 (Tribal Class Destroyer)
SL-74 Convoy

HMS Dorsetshire 1934 (County class|Norfolk group), HMS Norfolk, Battle of North Cape Limited Edition (County class|Norfolk group)
Edinburgh, London
18.Cruiser Sqn NW Azores

HMS Belfast 1943 (Town Cruiser Class|Edinburgh Cruiser Class) (1/600), HMS London after rebuild 1942 (County class|London group)
at Londonderry

HMS Kelly / Kipling (JKN Class Destroyer), HMS Kipling Mai 1941 Kreta (JKN Class Destroyer), HMS Jupiter G85 (JKN Class Destroyer), HMS Jupiter SP (JKN Class Destroyer)
Off Norway: Minerve (French), P31 Uproar
Off Brest, St.Nazaire: Sealion, Seawolf, Sturgeon, Pandora, Tigris, H-44

U-Boot SU Type V (V2 ex ex HMS Unbroken P42 U-class Group 2) (HMS U class submarine), HMS Upholder (HMS U class submarine), HMS Sahib S-class P212 1942/43 (S class U-Boot), Similar type HMS Odin ( O class group 2) 1929/40 (O class U-Boot), HMS T class Group III (HMS T class submarine)

Sinking 27.5.


Bismarck (Bismarck-Klasse), Tirpitz 1944 (Bismarck-Klasse), Bismarck (Bismarck-Klasse)

King George V

HMS Duke of York 9.1941 (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse)
from Britannic escort

HMS Nelson (Nelson class), HMS Rodney (Nelson class)
Norfolk, Dorsetshire

HMS Norfolk, Battle of North Cape Limited Edition (County class|Norfolk group), HMS Suffolk (County class|Kent Class) (1/600), HMS Dorsetshire 1934 (County class|Norfolk group)
abgezogen von Konvoi HX-127, im Anmarsch

HMS Royal Oak (Revenge class)


28.5. versenkt durch He111 des KG77

HMS Tartar F43 (Tribal Class Destroyer), HMS Tribal Class Destroyer (Tribal Class Destroyer)
versuchte Überlebende zu retten

Baleares (1938) (Canarias)
USCG Modoc
geriet auf Rückmarsch von SAR-Aufgaben mitten in das Gefecht(1258)(1259)

USCGC Tampa WPG-48 (Tampa class) (1/1250), USCGC Tampa class WPG-45/48 (Tampa class)

German Supply Ships for Operation Rheinübung

durch Aurora, Kenya 3.6. †
4.6. †
4.6. durch Esperance Bay und Victorious †
Esso Hamburg
4.6. durch London †
5.6. durch London, Brilliant †
Friederich Breme
12.6. durch Sheffield †
15.6. druch Dunedin, Eagle †
Wetterschiff, rettete 2 Überlebende

Kota Penang

Altmark (1939) (Dithmarschen class)
ex-norw. Tanker 25. oder 26. Prinz Eugen aufgetankt


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Last change of this page: Tuesday 23 July 2024 14:14.



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