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PQ18 2.-21.9.1942



SS Africander (Panama) air attack † , MV Atheltemplar (GB) U-457, U-408 † , SS Beauregard (USA) Engine trouble , RFA Black Ranger (A163) (GB) Fleet oiler , SS Campfire (USA) , SS Charles R. McCormick (USA) , SS Copeland (GB) Rescue ship , SS Dan-y-Bryn (GB) , SS Empire Baffin (GB) , SS Empire Beaumont (GB) air attack † , SS Empire Morn (GB) CAM ship , SS Empire Snow (GB) , SS Empire Stevenson (GB) air attack † , SS Empire Tristram (GB) , SS Esek Hopkins (USA) , SS Goolistan (GB) , RFA Gray Ranger (GB) Fleet oiler , SS Hollywood (USA) , SS John Penn (USA) air attack † , SS Kentucky (USA) air attack † , SS Lafayette (USA) , SS Macbeth (Panama) air attack † , SS Mary Luckenbach (USA) air attack † , SS Meanticut (USA) , SS Nathanael Greene (USA) , SS Ocean Faith (GB) , RFA Oligarch (GB) Fleet oiler , SS Oliver Ellsworth (USA) U-408 † , SS Oregonian (USA) air attack † , SS Patrick Henry (USA) , SS Sahale (USA) , SS Schoharie (USA) , SS St. Olaf (USA) , SS Temple Arch (GB) , SS Virginia Dare (USA) , SS Wacosta (USA) air attack † , SS White Clover (Panama) , SS William Moultrie (USA) , SS Gateway City (USA) , SS Oremar (USA) , SS San Zotico (GB) , SS Andre Marti (SU) , SS Exford (USA) , SS Komiles (SU) , SS Petrovski (SU) , SS Richard Bassett (USA) Engine trouble , SS Stalingrad (SU) U-408 † , SS Sukhona (SU) air attack †

CAM Ship Empire B mit Hurricane, USS Liberty Ship Jeremiah O'Brien (USS Liberty)

Local Escort

Avenger class

HMS Biter 1944 (Avenger class|US Type C3), HMS Biter 1942 (Avenger class) (1/1250)
Dido class

HMS Naiad (1940) (Dido class)
Alynbank group

HMS Springbank 1941 (Alynbank group), HMS Springbank 1941 (Alynbank group) (1/1250)
Ulster Queen
Ulster Queen

HMS Ulster Queen (1/1250),
Kit candidate: Ulster Queen announced by Ajm 21.03.2022 on FB
VW class

HMAS Vampire D68 (V Class Destroyer)
Admiralty type leader / Scott class
Mackay, Montrose, Campbell, Malcolm

HMS Scott (Admiralty Leader), HMS Douglas 1942 (Admiralty Leader)

HMS Amazon 1927 (1/1250)
A class

HMS Acasta / Ardent (A class), HMS Acasta 1930 (A class) (1/1250), Similar type Caldas ex Douro (Douro class) (1/1250), HMS Codrington (A class) (1/1250)
EF class
Echo, Faulknor, Fury

HMS Echo (EF Class Destroyer)
I class
Intrepid, Impulsive

HMS Impulsive (I Class) (1/500), HMS Inglefield D02 (I Class) (1/1250), HMS Ithuriel (I Class)
Tribal class
Ashanti, Tartar, Somali, Eskimo

HMCS Huron 1944 (Tribal Class Destroyer)
LM class
Meteor, Martin, Marne, Milne

HMS Legion (1941) (LM Class Destroyer), HMS Legion (1942) (LM Class Destroyer)
OP class
Offa, Opportune, Onslaught, Onslow

HMS Onslow (OP Class Destroyer), HMS O class (OP Class Destroyer)
Hunt class
Eskdale, Farndale, Wheatland, Wilton

Base type Hunt class
HMT Arab, HMT Duncton, HMT Hugh, HMT King Sol, HMT Paynter, HMT Cape Argona, HMT Cape Mariato, HMT Daneman, HMT St Kenan

Similar style Mersey class trawler (Mersey class trawler)
Flower class
Bergamot, Bryony, Bluebell, Camellia

Base type Flower Class
Halcyon class
Harrier, Gleaner, Sharpshooter, Halcyon, Hazard, Salamander, Britomart

HMS Halcyon class (Halcyon class) (1/1250), HMS Bramble (Halcyon class)
Gnevny class
Gremyashchi, Sokrushitelny

Razumnyj (7 (Gnevnyi) class)
Orfey class
Kuibishev, Uritski

Valerian Kuibyshev ex Kapitan Kern (Novik Group Gavriil Orfey)

Cruiser Cover

County class / London group

HMS London after rebuild 1942 (County class|London group), HMS Sussex 1942 (County class|London group)
County class / Kent group

HMS Suffolk (County class|Kent Class) (1/600)
County class / Norfolk group

HMS Dorsetshire 1934 (County class|Norfolk group), HMS Norfolk, Battle of North Cape Limited Edition (County class|Norfolk group)
B class

HMS Blanche / Basilisk (B class), HMS Acasta 1930 (A class) (1/1250)
VW class

HMAS Vampire D68 (V Class Destroyer)

Heavy Cover Force

King George V class
Anson, Duke of York

HMS Duke of York 9.1941 (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse)
Crown Colony class: Fiji group

HMS Trinidad (1942) (Colony class)
Admiralty type leader / Scott class
Montrose, Campbell, Mackay

HMS Scott (Admiralty Leader), HMS Douglas 1942 (Admiralty Leader)
Thornycroft type leader / Shakespeare class
Broke, Keppel

HMS Wallace 1918 (Shakespeare class) (1/1250), HMS Shakespeare (Shakespeare class)
Hunt class

Base type Hunt class

Refuelling Group

RFA Blue Ranger
RFA Oligarch
Hunt class

Base type Hunt class
VW class
Worcester, Windsor

HMAS Vampire D68 (V Class Destroyer)

Reinforcement Group

County class

HMS Suffolk (County class|Kent Class) (1/600)
Town class

HMS Sheffield 1942 (Town cruiser class|Southampton group)
E class

HMS Echo (EF Class Destroyer)

Submarine Patrol

S class
Shakespeare, Sturgeon

HMS Sahib S-class P212 1942/43 (S class U-Boot)
T class
Tribune, Tigris

HMS T class Group III (HMS T class submarine)
U class
Unrivalled, Unique, Unshaken, HNoMS Uredd

U-Boot SU Type V (V2 ex ex HMS Unbroken P42 U-class Group 2) (HMS U class submarine), HMS Upholder (HMS U class submarine)
Saphir class

Rubis 1933 (Saphir class)
K class
K-1, K-2, K-21

U-Boot SU Type K (K3) (1941/3) (U-Boot SU Type K)

U-Boot SU Type X Shch-126 SHCHUKA (U-Boot SU Type X),
Kit candidate: Kombrig Shch series III,
Kit candidate: Kombrig Shch series Vbis, Vbis2
Malyutka 3rd group (Type XII)

Similar type M-Class U-Boot M-201 (M class sub)


U-88, U-255, U-377, U-378, U-403, U-405, U-408, U-435, U-457, U-589, U-592, U-703

U-Boot Typ VIIB (Typ VII)
Admiral Scheer

Lützow ex Deutschland (Deutschland-Klasse (1931)), Admiral Scheer (Deutschland-Klasse (1931)), Admiral Graf Spee (Deutschland-Klasse (1931)), Admiral Graf Spee (Deutschland-Klasse (1931)), Admiral Graf Spee (Deutschland-Klasse (1931)), Panzerschiff D (Deutschland-Klasse (1931)), Panzerschiff E (Deutschland-Klasse (1931))
Admiral Hipper

Admiral Hipper 1941 (Admiral Hipper class)

Typ 1934
Z4 Richard Beitzen

Z1 Leberecht Maass 1938 (Zerstörer Typ 1934Z1)
Typ 1936A
Z23, Z27, Z29, Z30

Z28 (1945) (Zerstörer Klasse 1936A)
Luftflotte 5
KG26,30 Ju88, He111, KGr 406, 906 He115

Base type He111 Base type He115 Ju88A-5/A-17 (Ju88)


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Last change of this page: Tuesday 23 July 2024 14:14.

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