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This site shows an 'order of battle' page. As models it displays either the ship or one of the same class. If I have a model, this is shown. Otherwise candidates in the market may be referenced.

Operation Husky, Landing on Sicily 9.7.-17.8.1943


Allied Forces

Bulolu, Largs, Keren, Hilary
Command Ships

Victor Schoelcher X07 (Bougainville) (Victor Schoelcher / Charles Plumier)
U class as Navigation Points
Unruffled, Unseen, Unison, Unrivalled

U-Boot SU Type V (V2 ex ex HMS Unbroken P42 U-class Group 2) (HMS U class submarine), HMS Upholder (HMS U class submarine)
S class as Navigation Points
Seraph, Shakespeare, Safari

HMS Sahib S-class P212 1942/43 (S class U-Boot)
Nelson, Rodney

HMS Nelson (Nelson class), HMS Rodney (Nelson class)
Warspite, Valiant

HMS Warspite 1942 (Queen Elizabeth class)
Howe und King George V

HMS Duke of York 9.1941 (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse), HMS Duke of York (King George V-Klasse)
Illustrious class
Indomitable x , Formidable

HMS Victorious (1945) (Illustrious), HMS Victorious 1958 (Illustrious)
Arethusa alss
Aurora, Penelope

HMS Arethusa 1945 (Arethusa class), HMS Penelope 1940 (Deluxe Edition) (Arethusa class)
Dido class
Cleopatra, Euryalus, Dido, Sirius

HMS Naiad (1940) (Dido class)
Crown Colony class
Newfoundland x , Uganda, Mauritius

HMS Trinidad (1942) (Colony class)
Leander class

HMS Ajax 1942 (Leander class), HMAS Sydney (Leander class)
C class Capetown group
Carlisle, Colombo

HMS Calcutta 1941 (C Class Cruiser), Similar type HMS Caledon 1923 (C Class Cruiser)
D class

ORP Conrad (Cruiser D class)

HMS Pozarica 1942 (Palomares class) (1/1250), HMS Palomares 1944 (Palomares class) (1/1250),
Kit candidate: Palomares, Pozarica announced by AJM (14.05.2021) 24.02.2022
Erebus class

HMS Erebus
Roberts class
Roberts, Abercrombie

HMS Abercrombie 1944 (Roberts class)

Suma 1942 ex HMS Moth (Insect class), HMS Aphis (Insect class) (1/1250), HMS Aphis (Insect class) (1/600), HMS LadyBird Hull (Insect class)
Tribal class
Eskimo, Nubian, Tartar

HMCS Huron 1944 (Tribal Class Destroyer)
I class
Inconstant, Isis, Intrepid, Inglefield, Ilex

HMS Impulsive (I Class) (1/500), HMS Inglefield D02 (I Class) (1/1250), HMS Ithuriel (I Class)
LM class
Laforey, Lookout, Loyal

HMS Legion (1941) (LM Class Destroyer), HMS Legion (1942) (LM Class Destroyer)
A class

HMS Acasta / Ardent (A class), HMS Acasta 1930 (A class) (1/1250), Similar type Caldas ex Douro (Douro class) (1/1250), HMS Codrington (A class) (1/1250)
EF class
Faulknor, Echo, Eclipse, Fury

HMS Echo (EF Class Destroyer)
VW class
Venomous, Viceroy, Wallace, Wanderer, Wishart, Woolston, Wrestler

HMAS Vampire D68 (V Class Destroyer)
JKN class
Piorun (poln.), Jervis

HMS Kipling Mai 1941 Kreta (JKN Class Destroyer)
OP class
Offa, Panther, Pathfinder, Penn, Paladin und Petard

HMS Onslow (OP Class Destroyer), HMS O class (OP Class Destroyer)
QR class
Quilliam, Queenborough, Quail, Raider

HMS QR class 1942 (QR class destroyer) (1/1250), Similar type HMS Onslow (OP Class Destroyer)
ST class
Troubridge, Tyrian, Tumult

HMS Savage (ST class 1942) (1/1250), HMS Scorpion (ST class 1942)
Hunt class
Aldenham, Blencathra, Clare, Eggesford, Hursley, Hurworth, Lauderdale, Ledbury, Rockwood, Wheatland, Wilton, Atherstone, Cleveland, Hambledon, Mendip, Quantock, Tynedale, Whaddon, Dulverton, Beaufort, Exmoor, Brocklesby, Tetcott, Blankney, Lamerton, Oakley, Liddesdale, Farndale, Calpe, Easton, Belvoir, Holcombe, Haydon, Brecon, Brissenden und Puckeridge, die griech. Pindos, Adrias, Kanaris, Miaoulis und Themistokles sowie die poln. Krakowiak und Slazak

Base type Hunt class
Vasilefs Georgios class
Vasilissa Olga (griech.)

ZG3 Hermes (GH Class Destroyer) (1/1250), ORP Garland H37 (GH Class Destroyer)
Shoreham class

HMS Shoreham (Shoreham class) (1/1250)
Black Swan class
Cygnet, Erne, INS. Jumna, INS Sutlej

HMS Ibis (Black Swan)
Black Swan mod class
Chanticleer, Crane, Pheasant, Whimbrel

Hipper F214 1959 (Black Swan|Klasse 138) (1/1250), Scharnhorst F213 1960 (Black Swan|Klasse 138) (1/1250), HMS Starling (Black Swan), HMS Ibis (Black Swan)
River class
Bann, Dart, Plym, Test, Teviot und Trent

HMAS Gascoyne 1945 (River class), HMS River class (River class) (1/1250)
Flower class
Bluebell, Bryony, Camellia, Convolvulus, Delphinium, Dianella, Honeysuckle, Hyacinth, Hyderabad, Lotus, Oxlip, Pentstemon, Poppy, Primula, Rhododendron, Starwort, Vetch und Sakhtouris (griech.);

Base type Flower Class
Banff und Fishguard

USCG Lake class (Lake class), HMS Hartland 1941 ex USCGC PONTCHARTRAIN (Banff class|Lake class) (1/1250)
HMAS Bathurst class
Gawler, Lismore, Ipswich, Maryborough, Geraldton, Cairns, Cessnock und Wollongong

HMAS Lithgov (Bathurst class)
NL K-Boote
Flores, Soemba

Flores (Flores class) (1/1250)
MTB-316 †
USS Ancon AGC-4, Samuel Chase APA26, Biscayne AVP11, Monrovia APA31, 8 LCI(L), Delta AR9
Command Ships

USS Barnegat AVP-10 (Barnegat class) (1/1250), HQ-5 Trần Bình Trọng ex USS AVP-35 Castle Rock (Barnegat class)
Brooklyn class
Brooklyn x , Philadelphia, Boise, Savannah

USS Boise CL-47 (1942) (Brooklyn class)
Cleveland class

USS Vincennes ex Flint CL64 (Cleveland class) (1/1250), USS Springfield CLG 7 1970 (Cleveland class|Providence class), USS Miami CL-89 (Cleveland class)
USS Wickes (DD-75)
Cole, Bernadou

HMS Campbeltown I42 (1942) ex USS Buchanan (Wickes Class)
USS Clemson (DD-186)

HMS Burwell H94 (1940) ex USS Laub DD-263 (Clemson Class)
USS Benham (DD-397)
Mayrant x , Trippe, Rhind, Rowan

USS Benham DD-397 (Benham Class), USS Benham DD-397 (Benham Class)
USS Sims (DD-409)
Buck, Roe x , Wainwright

USS Hammann DD-412 (Sims Class)
USS Benson (DD-421)
Earle, Cowie, Parker, Laub, Mackenzie, Kendrick, Boyle, Champlin, Nields, Davison, McLanahan, Murphy, Ludlow, Benson

USS Benson DD-421 (Benson Class)
USS Gleaves (DD-423)
Doran, Mervine, Quick, Tillman, Beatty, Shubrick x , Jeffers, Nelson, Glennon, Maddox † by Ju88, Gherardi, Butler, Herndon, Bristol, Swanson x , Edison, Woolsey, Wilkes, Nicholson, Plunkett, Niblack, Gleaves

USS Livermore DD-429, Monsson DD-436 (Gleaves Class), Similar type Asakaze DD-181 (Gleaves Class)
LST-313 † by Bf109, 158 † , 318 †

observation aircraft carrier

Auk class
Sentinel AM113 † , Staff AM114 x , Skill AM115 x , Strive AM117 x

USS Raven AM-55 (Raven class), USS Raven AM-55 1940 (Raven class) (1/1250), USS Pilot AM-104 1942 (Auk class) (1/1250), USS Raven AM-55 (Raven class)
SC 694 † , 696 †

USS SC497 110' Subchaser Wk2 (SC497 class|PGM-1 class) (1/600)
1 †

LCI(L) 1-350 Landungsboote (LCI|Allied Landing Craft WW2), LCI (LCI|Allied Landing Craft WW2)
LCT (5) 154 † , 311 †

LCT (LCT|Allied Landing Craft WW2)
Liberty Ships
S. S. Robert Rowan †

USS Liberty Ship Jeremiah O'Brien (USS Liberty)

LCM1 (14) (LCM|Allied Landing Craft WW2), LCM Mk. III (LCM|Allied Landing Craft WW2) (1/76), LCM (LCM |Allied Landing Craft WW2)

LCS(L) (3) (LCS|Allied Landing Craft WW2), LCS(L) (3) (LCS|Allied Landing Craft WW2)

USS LCVP (USS LCVP|Allied Landing Craft WW2)

USS George F. Elliott (AP-13) 1942 (444 class|Heywood class)

USS Callaway APA-35 (Bayfield class|US Type C3)

USS Algol AKA-54 1943/70 (Andromeda class|Type C2)
RFA Derwentdale

Kit candidate: Derwentdale announced by AJM (FB 10.12.2022), Similar style Breisgau ex Salomé
Hospital ship
Indian Talamba †
PT Boats

PT-147 Elco 80' (PT Boat), PT-170 Boat Type 103 (PT Boat|PT-170 Boat Type 103)

Axis Forces

Capitani Romani class
Scipione Africano

Scipione Africano (1943) (Capitani Romani class), San Marco ex Giulio Germanico (Capitani Romani class)
Condottieri class
Montecuccoli, Eugenio di Savoia, Garibaldi, Duca d'Aosta

Emanuele Filiberto Duca d'Aosta (Condottieri Class|Duca d'Aosta class), Giovanni delle Bande Nere (Condottieri Class|Alberto di Giussano class)
5. ital S-Flottille
Ms 21, Ms 51, Ms 53, Ms 66
Flutto, Nichelio, Dandolo, Alagi, Argo, Nereide, Beilul, Diaspro, Platino und Ambra, Ascianghi † ,Bronzo (captured)

Scirè 1941 (Adua class Serie 600), Tembien 1941 (Adua class Serie 600), SMG Tritone class / Flutto class (Tritone class|Flutto class)
3., 7. dt..S-Flottille

S-Boote S100-Klasse 1/700 (S100 class)
U-81, U-407

U-Boot Typ VIIB (Typ VII)


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Last change of this page: Saturday 18 January 2025 16:09.



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