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This site shows an 'order of battle' page. As models it displays either the ship or one of the same class. If I have a model, this is shown. Otherwise candidates in the market may be referenced.

Sinking of HMS Terror off Derna/Tobruk 24.2.1940

22./23. x Mines, Stukas in Tobruk 24.2.1940 † scuttled

HMS Erebus

HMS Widnes 1917 (UJ 2109 in 1943) (Hunt MS sloops) (1/1250), HMS Aberdare 1917 (Hunt MS sloops) (1/600), HMS Sutton J78 1939 (Hunt MS sloops) (1/600)

Base type Flower Class


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Last change of this page: Saturday 18 January 2025 16:09.

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