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This site shows an 'order of battle' page. As models it displays either the ship or one of the same class. If I have a model, this is shown. Otherwise candidates in the market may be referenced.

1. Battle of Durazzo 28.-29.12.1915

kuk Force
Durazzo Attack Group

SMS Novara (kuk) (Helgoland Rapidkreuzer class), SMS Helgoland (kuk) (Helgoland Rapidkreuzer class) (1/1250)
5 Tatra class
Balaton, Lika † by mine, Triglav x by mine † by French DD, Csepel, Tatra x

SMS Tatra kuk (Tatra class), SMS Tatra kuk (Tatra class) (1/1250), Lung Tuan / Warasdiner (Huszar class)
Patrol off Durazzo

SMS UB I (UBI class)
2 DD
Support Group
Kaiser Karl VI

SMS Kaiser Karl VI kuk 1900 (Kaiser Karl VI kuk) (1/1250), SMS Sankt Georg (kuk) (SMS Sankt), SMS Kaiser Karl VI kuk (Kaiser Karl VI kuk)

SMS Novara (kuk) (Helgoland Rapidkreuzer class), SMS Helgoland (kuk) (Helgoland Rapidkreuzer class) (1/1250)

SMS Zenta kuk (Zenta class), SMS Aspern (kuk) 1900 (Zenta class) (1/1250)
Nos. 70, 17 (probably 71?), 81, and 80
Allied Forces
Patrol off Cattaro
by Balaton.28.12 Pluviôse class
Interception Force
Weymouth / Town class
Weymouth, Dartmouth

Similar type HMS Chester 1916 (Town 1910 Cruiser), Similar type HMS Glasgow 1910 (Town 1910 Cruiser), HMS Nottingham 1914 (Town 1910 Cruiser|Birmingham group) (1/1250)

Quarto (Quarto class), Quarto (Quarto class) (1/1250)
Nino Brixio

Nino Bixio (Nino Bixio class) (1/1250)
5 French DD
out of the available (five "Casque," two "Bouclier," two "Spahi )

Casque 1910 (Bouclier class) (1/1250), Spahi 1910 (Spahi class) (1/1250)
4 Italian DD
Abba, Nievo, Mosto, Pilo

Generali class (Generali class) (1/1250), La Masa 1917 (Giuseppe La Masa class (3 pipers grp 3)) (1/1250), Giacinto Carini 1943 (Giuseppe La Masa class (3 pipers grp 3)) (1/1250)


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Last change of this page: Saturday 18 January 2025 16:09.


(83) Wikipedia
(1389) Giuseppe Orlando D’Urso: La Grande Guerra lontana dalle trincee: la questione adriatica dentro il conflitto militare in

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black or blue: Quality of this source is not yet mentioned
orange: Good source, some errors
red: Source cmay ontain some true facts. All facts need to be checked.

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