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Indonesien-Malaysia-Konflikt 1963-1966



Colossus class

HMS Glory R62 1945 (Colossus class) (1/1250), Arromanches 1946/56 (Colossus class), HMS Colossus 1944 (Colossus class)
Centaur class
Albion, Bulwark, Centaur

HMS Hermes R12 1982 (Centaur class), HMS Centaur R06 (Centaur class) (1/1250)
Illustrious class

HMS Victorious (1945) (Illustrious), HMS Victorious 1958 (Illustrious)
Audacious class

HMS Eagle (R05) (Audacious class)
County class
Kent, Hampshire

HMS County class Devonshire (County Class 1962) (1/600)
C class
Cavendish, Caesar

HMS Caesar 1944 (C class destroyer), Ähnlicher Typ HMS Venus (UVWZ class destroyer)
Rothesay 12I

HMS Plymouth 1986 (Type 12M Rothesay class), HMS Rothesay F107 (Type 12M Rothesay class) (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ HMS Whitby 1956 (Type 12 Whitby class)
Leander class

HMS Leander (Type 12I Leander) (1/600), HMS Charybdis Seawolf Leander (Type 12I Leander), HMS Ajax F114 Ikara (Type 12I Leander)
Ton class
Woolaston, Fiskerton, Maryton

HMS Essington (Ton class|{{class similar Kanada}}|RCN Bay class Minesweeper), HMS Upton M1187 1955 (Ton class) (1/1250)
7 other Destroyers and Frigates, twelve Minesweepers and five Submarines
Daring class
Duchess, Vampire, Vendetta

HMAS Vendetta D08 1973 (Daring 1949 class)
River class
Derwent, Parramatta, Yarra

HMS Plymouth 1986 (Type 12M Rothesay class|River 1961 class), HMS Rothesay F107 (Type 12M Rothesay class) (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ HMS Whitby 1956 (Type 12 Whitby class), HMS Leander (Type 12I Leander) (1/600)
Ton class
Curlew, Gull, Hawk, Ibis, Snipe, Teal

HMS Essington (Ton class|{{class similar Kanada}}|RCN Bay class Minesweeper), HMS Upton M1187 1955 (Ton class) (1/1250)
Loch class
Hang Tuah

HMS Loch class (Loch class), HMS Loch Ness 1944 (Loch class) (1/1250)
Vosper Patrol craft
Sri Perak, Sri Perlis, ri Selangor
Bellona class

HMS Naiad (1940) (Dido class)
Otago, Taranaki

HMS Plymouth 1986 (Type 12M Rothesay class), HMS Rothesay F107 (Type 12M Rothesay class) (1/1250), Ähnlicher Typ HMS Whitby 1956 (Type 12 Whitby class)
Whitby class

HMS Whitby 1956 (Type 12 Whitby class)
Ton class
Hickleton, Santon

HMS Essington (Ton class|{{class similar Kanada}}|RCN Bay class Minesweeper), HMS Upton M1187 1955 (Ton class) (1/1250)


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