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This site shows an 'order of battle' page. As models it displays either the ship or one of the same class. If I have a model, this is shown. Otherwise candidates in the market may be referenced.

Guadalcanal campaign: Cape Esperance 11.10.1942

Furutaka Class, 1926
Aoba, Furutaka † , Kinugasa

Kako (after rebuild)
Fubuki Class, 1928-31
Fubuki † , Hatsuyuki

Hatsuyuki (Fubuki Group (Fubuki I)), Fubuki 1941 (Fubuki Group (Fubuki I))
New Orleans class
San Francisco

USS Tuscaloosa CA-37 (New Orleans class), USS San Franzisko CA-38 (New Orleans class)
Pensacola class
Salt Lake City

USS Pensacola CL-24 / CA-24 (Pensacola class)
Brooklyn class
Boise, Helena

USS Boise CL-47 (1942) (Brooklyn class)
Benson class
Farenholt, Duncan † , Laffey

USS Benson DD-421 (Benson Class)
Gleaves class
Buchanan, McCalla

USS Livermore DD-429, Monsson DD-436 (Gleaves Class), Similar type Asakaze DD-181 (Gleaves Class)


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Last change of this page: Thursday 02 January 2025 09:35.



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