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AK Modern Conflicts Profile Guide: Profile Index

Vol.I Middle East Wars 1948-1973(1766)
Vol.II The Lebanese Civil War 1975-1991 and beyond(1767)
Vol.III Arab Revolutions and Border Wars 1980-2018(1768)
Vol.IV The Iran Iraq Wars 1980-1988(1769)

AK Modern Conflicts Profile Guides are a great series of Profiles of vehicles in Middle East conflicts. It is published by This page here gives an index to the profiles for easy finding specific vehicle types.

The given country is not always the operator but may be the region where the vehicle was operated. All the different groups are not differentiated, e.g. many Lebanese groups are denoted as Libanon, e.g. PLP/PLA/Christian Militia…

If you search a certain vehicle, use the search function of your browser. On PC this typically is Ctrl-F.
Vol, Pages Country /      
Region /
Profile Model
I: 12FranceM47 in Suez Crisis
I: 13GBCenturion in Suez Crisis
I: 13FranceAMX-13 in Suez Crisis 
AMX 13/105 (FL12)
I: 15EgyptBren Gun Carrier
I: 15,16Egypt9P133 (BRDM-2)
I: 16EgyptBTR-50PK
I: 17EgyptOT-62 Topas
I: 17EgyptISU-152K command vehicle
I: 18,31EgyptISU-152K
I: 19,20,41EgyptSU-100 
SU-85 Similar type
I: 20,21,22EgyptT-34-85
I: 22,29,30EgyptT-55
I: 23,24,29EgyptT-54
I: 24,25EgyptT-62
I: 26,33EgyptZSU-57-2   
ZSU-57-2, ZSU-57-2
I: 26EgyptZSU-23-4 
ZSU 23-4 Shilka
I: 27Egypt2K12 Kub (SA-6 Gainful) 
SA-6 Gainful 2K12 Kub
I: 28EgyptBTR-152
I: 28,39,40EgyptIS-3M
I: 31EgyptT-34T ARV
I: 32EgyptISU-152
I: 32EgyptBMP-1
I: 33EgyptAT-L
I: 34EgyptM3 Halftrack
I: 34EgyptM3 Halftrack B-11 recoilless rifle
I: 35EgyptK-61 amphibious 
K-61 Amphibie *
I: 36EgyptGAZ-69M
I: 36,37EgyptT-34-100 
T-34-100 Egypt SPG
I: 37EgyptPTS-M w/ M1938 or M30 122mm Howitzer
I: 38, 40EgyptGAZ-69M w/ B-11 recpoilless gun
I: 38,39EgyptS-75 (SA-2), ZIL-131 
I: 41EgyptM4A4 Sherman FL-10 
Sherman V mit FL-10 Turm
I: 42EgyptBTR-60
I: 42EgyptAT-T
I: 43EgyptJT-34 
I: 43EgyptBTT-1 ARV 
I: 45JordanCenturion
I: 45,46JordanM113
I: 46AlgeriaBTR-50
I: 47JordanM47
I: 47JordanM48
I: 49SyriaZSU-23-4 
ZSU 23-4 Shilka
I: 49SyriaBRDM-2
I: 50SyriaBMP-1
I: 50SyriaBTR-60
I: 51SyriaBTR-50PK
I: 51SyriaPanzer IV
I: 52SyriaBTR-152
I: 53SyriaPT-76
I: 53,54SyriaSU-100 
SU-85 Similar type
I: 54,55SyriaT-34-85
I: 56,57,58SyriaT-54
I: 57,58,60SyriaT-55
I: 61SyriaT-34/D30 SPG 
T-34/D-30 Syrian SPG
I: 61SyriaT-62
I: 63,64IsraelAMX-13 
AMX 13/105 (FL12)
I: 64IsraelOT-62 Topas
I: 65IsraelBTR-50
I: 65IsraelZIL-157
I: 66IsraelM1 Sherman
I: 67IsraelM51 Sherman 
M51 Sherman 1973
I: 67,68IsraelM3 Halftrack 
M3 Halftrack
I: 69IsraelM7 Priest
I: 70,71IsraelM48
I: 71,72IsraelCenturion / Shot
I: 73IsraelM113
I: 73IsraelPT-76
I: 74IsraelBTR-152
I: 75IsraelT-54, Tiran 5
I: 76IsraelGAZ-69M
I: 76IsraelKilshon 
Kilshon Sherman
I: 77IsraelL33 Roem 
Ro'em L-33 155mm Soltam
I: 77IsraelGAZ-69 w/ 3M6 Shmel (AT-1)
II: 7LebanonUAZ-469 w/ ZPU-1 14,5mm
II: 7, 8LebanonLand Rover
II: 8LebanonToyota Land Cruiser
II: 9LebanonM151 w/ 106mm recoilless gun 
Ford M151 MUTT
II: 9LebanonM35 cargo truck 
M35 2,5ton Truck
II: 10LebanonUral BM-21 
BM-21 Grad
II: 10,11LebanonNorth Korean BM-11
II: 11LebanonM35 w/ ZU-23-2 
ZU-23-2 on M35 Truck
II: 12LebanonBTR-60PB
II: 12LebanonBTR-152 w/ ZU-23-2ZU-23-2 on BTR-152V
II: 13, 14LebanonM113 ACAV
II: 13, 14,16LebanonM113 w/ ZU-23-2 
ZU-23-2 on M113 Similar type
II: 14LebanonM113 w/ ZPU-2   
ZPU-2 on M113 Similar type
II: 15,22LebanonM113
II: 15LebanonBMP-1
II: 16,17,18LebanonT-55
II: 18LebanonT-55 w/ KMT-5M mine roller 
T-55 mit KMT-5
II: 19LebanonBTS-4 ARV 
II: 20LebanonM48
II: 20LebanonMAZ-537 w/ Gazelle helicopter
II: 21LebanonPanhard M3 VTT 
M-3 APC Similar type
II: 22LebanonVT-55KS ARV   
VT-55 ARV Similar type
II: 23LebanonSaladin 
Saladin Mk.2 Similar type
II: 24LebanonChevy Pickup w/ 12,7mm AA
II: 24LebanonBTR-60PB
II: 25LebanonM3 Halftrack w/ 90mm DEFA 
M3 Halftrack w/ 90mm DEFA conversion
II: 25LebanonM325 Nun-nun w/ ZU-23-2M-325 Nun-nun
II: 55United States of AmericaLVTP-7
II: 55United States of AmericaM151 Ford Mutt 
Ford M151 MUTT
II: 56GBLand Rover
II: 56United States of AmericaM60
II: 59LebanonT17E1 Staghound 
Staghound Mk I Tulip (T17E1) Similar type
II: 60LebanonM113 ACAV
II: 61LebanonM34 Truck w/ ZU-23-2 
ZU-23-2 on M35 Truck
II: 61LebanonBTR-152 w/ Bofors 40mm AABTR-152 w/ Bofors
II: 62LebanonM41
II: 62,65LebanonPanhard M3 VTT
II: 63LebanonM50 Sherman 
M50 Sherman 1973
II: 63LebanonT-54
II: 64.65,74,75LebanonM113
II: 66LebanonM3 Halftrack (M2!) w/ ZPU-4   
ZPU-4 on Halftrack
II: 66LebanonKeohwa M-5GA1 w/ 106mm recoilless
II: 67LebanonKeohwa M-5GA1 w/ TOW
II: 67LebanonKeohwa M-5GA1 w/ Milan
II: 68LebanonUnimog 416 w/ ZPU-4
geschlossene Kabine, offene Plattform
ZPU-4 on Unimog
II: 68LebanonM325 Nun-nun w/ ZPU-2M-325 Nun-nun
II: 69LebanonM325 Nun-nun w/ Type 63 MLRSM-325 Nun-nun
II: 69LebanonM325 Nun-nun w/ ZU-23-2M-325 Nun-nun
II: 70LebanonT-54
II: 70LebanonT-55
II: 71LebanonT-54 MLRSType 63 Rocket on T-54/T-55
II: 71LebanonT-54 D-30 122mm SPG 
T-55 Tiran mit 122mm D-30 Libanon/Iran
II: 72LebanonM48
II: 73LebanonVT-55KS ARV
II: 73LebanonM3 Halftrack w/ mortar
II: 74LebanonAML-90 
AML-90 Israel
II: 75LebanonRomanian APR-40 MLRS
II: 76LebanonM3 Halftrack w/ 90mm DEFA 
M3 Halftrack w/ 90mm DEFA conversion
II: 76LebanonM3 Halftrack w/ ZU-23-2   
ZU-23-2 on Halftrack
II: 77LebanonGAZ-66 w/ ZIS-3 
ZIS-3 on GAZ-66
II: 77LebanonM578 LRV 
M578 LRV
II: 78LebanonM326 Nun-nun w/ ZPU-2, D-44 85mmM-325 Nun-nun
II: 78LebanonXM523 HET w/ M50 Sherman
II: 78LebanonXM523 HET w/ M48
II: 80,105LebanonT-54
II: 80LebanonM41
II: 81LebanonStaghound 
Staghound Mk I Tulip (T17E1) Similar type
II: 81LebanonM50 Sherman 
M50 Sherman 1973
II: 81LebanonAMX-VCI 
II: 101LebanonStaghound 75mm 
Staghound Mk I Tulip (T17E1) Similar type
II: 101,102LebanonSaladin 
Saladin Mk.2
II: 102LebanonPanhard M3 VTT 
M-3 APC Similar type
II: 103LebanonAML-90 
AML-90 Israel
II: 103,107LebanonM48
II: 104LebanonM113 w/ ZU-23-2 
ZU-23-2 on M113
II: 104LebanonZSU-23-4 
ZSU 23-4 Shilka
II: 105LebanonVAB 
VAB 4x4, VAB 4x4
II: 106LebanonT-55
II: 106LebanonD9R Bulldozer 
D9R w/ Slat Armour
II: 107LebanonM88 ARV
II: 108LebanonM113 ACAV
II: 109LebanonM113 w/ ZPU-4   
ZPU-2 on M113, ZPU-4 on M113
II: 109LebanonM578 LRV 
M578 LRV
II: 111IsraelBRDM-2
II: 111IsraelM3 Halftrack w/ TCM-20 
TCM-20 Hatzerim on Halftrack
II: 112IsraelL33 Roem 
Ro'em L-33 155mm Soltam
II: 112IsraelMakmat Mortar (Sherman) 
Makmat M-66
II: 113IsraelMAR-290 MLRS
II: 113,114,115,116,117IsraelMagach 6 
Magach 6
II: 117IsraelM88 ARV 
Bergepanzer 1 / M88A1
II: 118IsraelM113
II: 118IsraelM577 
M577A1 GefStdPz
II: 119IsraelM110
II: 119IsraelM107
II: 120IsraelMack DM800 tank transport w/ T-34-85, w/ Tiran Ti67
II: 122IsraelMagach 5
II: 122,124,125IsraelCenturion Shot
II: 123IsraelMerkava I 
Merkava I
II: 123,124IsraelMerkava IIMerkava II
II: 125IsraelMercedes Safari truck
II: 126IsraelNagmashot APC
II: 127IsraelM113
II: 127,128IsraelMagach 7A
II: 129,130IsraelMagach 7C
II: 130,132IsraelMagach 6B
II: 131IsraelSholef SPG
II: 131IsraelM109
II: 132IsraelNagpadon APC
II: 133IsraelAchzarit APC 
Achzarit APC
II: 134,135IsraelD9 Bulldozer 
D9R w/ Slat Armour
II: 137SyriaBTR-152
II: 138SyriaBRDM-2
II: 138SyriaZSU-57-2   
ZSU-57-2, ZSU-57-2
II: 139SyriaBM-11 MRLS
II: 139,143SyriaT-34 D-30 122mm SPG 
T-34/D-30 Syrian SPG
II: 140SyriaT-54
II: 140,141SyriaT-55
II: 141SyriaJVBT-55 ARV 
JVBT-55A Big Bull / Kranpanzer T-55TK
II: 142SyriaBTR-60PB
II: 143SyriaZSU-23-4 
ZSU 23-4 Shilka
II: 144SyriaT-62
II: 144Syria1S91 tracked radar 
SA-6 Gainful 1S91 Kub Leitstation
II: 145Syria2K12 Kub  
SA-6 Gainful 2K12 Kub
II: 145SyriaSantana Land Rover w/ recoilless rifle
II: 145SyriaBTR-50
II: 146SyriaMercedes Transporter w/ VT-55KS ARV
II: 146SyriaMercedes Transporter w/ ACRV command vehicle
II: 147SyriaMercedes Transporter w/ BMP-1
II: 147SyriaMercedes Transporter w/ T-55
II: 151PalästinaNissan 620 w/ ZPU-2
II: 151PalästinaBTR-152 w/ ZU-23-2ZU-23-2 on BTR-152V
II: 152PalästinaBTR-152
II: 152PalästinaUnimog 404 w/ ZU-23-2
geschlossene Kabine, Pritsche
II: 153PalästinaUnimog 404 w/ ZPU-4
geschlossene Kabine, Pritsche
II: 153,154,155PalästinaUR-416 copy 
UR-416 PLO (4x4)
II: 155PalästinaBRDM-2
II: 156PalästinaT-34-85
II: 156PalästinaT-55
II: 157PalästinaUnimog w/ M55 AA
geschlossene Kabine, offene Plattform
II: 157PalästinaUnimog w/ ZU-23-2
geschlossene Kabine, Pritsche
II: 158,159PalästinaBM-21 MLRS 
BM-21 Grad
II: 158PalästinaT-34T ARV 
T-34 Repair Retriever / Tractor
II: 159PalästinaM113
II: 160PalästinaUnimog w/ 37mm 61-K
offene Kabine, offene Pritsche
II: 160PalästinaBM-24 MLRS
II: 161PalästinaToyota BJ44 gun truck ZPU-2
II: 161PalästinaGAZ-66 
II: 171LebanonAML-90 
AML-90 Israel
II: 171LebanonPanhard M3 VTT 
M-3 APC Similar type
II: 172LebanonM113 ACAV
II: 172LebanonLand Rover
II: 173LebanonM35 truck w/ M55 AA
II: 173LebanonM151 Ford Mutt w/ recoilless rifle 
Ford M151 MUTT
II: 175,176LebanonM50 Sherman 
M50 Sherman 1973
II: 175LebanonM32 ARV
II: 176LebanonSherman ambulance
II: 177LebanonSherman Bulldozer ARV
II: 177,178LebanonSherman APC
II: 178LebanonBTR-50 Ambulance
II: 179LebanonBTR-152 ARV
II: 179LebanonRBY light scout
II: 180,181LebanonM113
II: 180LebanonT-55
II: 181LebanonM3 Halftrack
II: 182LebanonMack DM800 tank transport w/ T-55
II: 182LebanonT-54
II: 183,184LebanonT-55 APCT-55 APC Südlibanon
II: 184,185,186LebanonTiran
II: 185LebanonM35 truck w/ Tiran turret
II: 186LebanonTiran APCAPC-55 (BTR-55) Südlibanon
II: 187LebanonM3 Halftrack Keshet ground surveillance radar
II: 187LebanonM3 Halftrack ACAV
II: 189,200LebanonStaghound 
Staghound Mk I Tulip (T17E1) Similar type
II: 190LebanonPanhard M3 VTT 
M-3 APC Similar type
II: 190LebanonM113 ACAV
II: 191LebanonV-100 CommandoV-100 (4x4)
II: 191LebanonM151 Ford Mutt w/ recoilless rifle 
Ford M151 MUTT
II: 192,195,201LebanonT-34-85
II: 192,193LebanonT-34T ARV w/ ZPU-1   
ZPU-1 on T-34T
II: 193LebanonBTR-152 w/ ZU-23-2ZU-23-2 on BTR-152V
II: 194LebanonZSU-23-4 
ZSU 23-4 Shilka
II: 195LebanonToyota Landcruiser w/ ZPU-1 
Toyota Pickup + ZPU-1
II: 196,200LebanonBM-11 MRLS
II: 196LebanonLand Rover towing ZPU-4
II: 196LebanonToyota Landcruiser w/ ZPU-1 towing ZIS-2 57mm   
Toyota Pickup + ZPU-1, 57mm ZIS-2
II: 197LebanonGMC pickup w/ M55 AA
II: 199LebanonAML-90 
AML-90 Israel
II: 199LebanonM113 ACAV
II: 201LebanonGAZ-59
II: 202LebanonGAZ-66 
II: 205,207LebanonM113
II: 206LebanonSaladin 
Saladin Mk.2
II: 207LebanonM113 w/ ZU-23-2 
ZU-23-2 on M113
II: 209LebanonSantana Land Rover w/ recoilless rifle
II: 209LebanonPickup truck w/ 14,5mm Mg (no ZPU-1)
II: 210LebanonUnimog w/ ZPU-4
geschlossene Kabine, Pritsche
ZPU-4 on Unimog
II: 210LebanonZIL-157 w/ BM-11 MLRS
II: 211LebanonUnimog MLRS on ZPU-4 mount
geschlossene Kabine, offene Plattform
II: 213LebanonToyota Land Cruiser w/ ZPU-1
II: 213LebanonCJ-3B w/ recoilless rifle
II: 214LebanonToyota pickup w/ Chinese Type 63 MLRS
II: 214,215LebanonUAZ-469 w/ ZPU-1 14,5mm
II: 215LebanonM42 Duster 
M42 Duster
II: 217HezbollahTi67 APCAPC-55 (BTR-55) Südlibanon
II: 217HezbollahZSU-57-2   
ZSU-57-2, ZSU-57-2
II: 218HezbollahBMP w/ ZU-23-2 
ZU-23-2 on BMP-1 Hezbollah
II: 218HezbollahT-55
II: 219HezbollahM113 w/ ZPU-2   
ZPU-2 on M113
III: 7MoroccoM1 Abrams
III: 7MoroccoM60
III: 8MoroccoT-72
III: 8MoroccoEland 90 
Eland 60/90/20 Similar type
III: 9MoroccoSK-105 Kürassier 
AMX 13/105 (FL12)
III: 9MoroccoM60
III: 10MoroccoRatel 20, Ratel 90 
Ratel 90
III: 10MoroccoM109
III: 11MoroccoToyota w/ ZU-23-2
III: 11MoroccoPanhard M3 VTT 
M-3 APC Similar type
III: 12MoroccoUnimog w/ ZU-23-2
offene Kabine, Pritsche
III: 12MoroccoM113 w/ ZPU-2   
ZPU-2 on M113
III: 13MoroccoPanhard M3 VTT w/ M101 105mm
III: 13MoroccoVAB 6x6 VCI Toucan 
VAB 6x6 Export
III: 14MoroccoM113
III: 14MoroccoM56 Scorpion 
M56 Scorpion
III: 15MoroccoM48 
2S3M Akatsiya Similar type
III: 15MoroccoPegaso 3046 truck w/ ZPU-2
III: 17AlgeriaT-72
III: 18AlgeriaBM-21 
BM-21 Grad
III: 18AlgeriaBTR-60PBK
III: 19AlgeriaPanhard M3 VTT 
M-3 APC Similar type
III: 19AlgeriaT-90
III: 21LibyaToyota w/ ZU-23-2Toyota Pickup + ZU-23-2
III: 21LibyaBTR-60
III: 22LibyaPuma 6x6 w/ SA-6 Gainful (2K12 Kub)SA-6 Gainful on Puma 6x6
III: 22LibyaT-62
III: 23LibyaM113 w/ AML-90 turret
III: 23LibyaPalmeria 155mm
III: 24LibyaM109
III: 24,26LibyaT-55
III: 25LibyaT-72
III: 25LibyaRatel w/ UB-16
III: 26LibyaM113 w/ BMP-1 turret and armour
III: 27LibyaEE-9 CascavelEE-9 Cascavel
III: 27LibyaVT-55 w/ BTR-60 on top
III: 28LibyaZSU-23-4 
ZSU 23-4 Shilka
III: 28LibyaMad Max armoured vehicles
III: 29LibyaToyota w/ ZPU-1
III: 29LibyaMT-55 w/ BTR-60 on top
III: 29LibyaJVBT-55 
JVBT-55A Big Bull / Kranpanzer T-55TK
III: 31SudanMAN mil gl (KAT1) 
MAN mil gl 7t 6x6
III: 31SudanM60
III: 32SudanT-55
III: 32SudanChinese Type 96 Al Bashir
III: 33SudanT-72
III: 33SudanIran Safir-74 / Type T-72Z / Al Zubair 1
III: 34SudanAl Zubair 2 / Type 59D
III: 34,35SudanT-55
III: 35SudanBMP-1 w/ Cobra turret 30mm (also on some Sudan BTR-80)
III: 36SudanWZ-551 Share 2
III: 36SudanBTR-82 Shareef 
BTR-82 AT /w Slat Armour Similar type
III: 36SudanChinese mine clearing tank on type 59 hull
III: 37SudanToyota w/ Type 63 MLRSType 63 Rocket on Pickup
III: 37SudanYW-531
III: 37SudanUral-4320 
Ural-375 Similar type
III: 39,40,44EgyptM113
III: 39EgyptM109
III: 40EgyptT-54
III: 41EgyptM1 Abrams
III: 41EgyptM730 Chaparral 
M730 Chaparral
III: 42EgyptBTS-2 ARV 
III: 42EgyptBMP-1 w/ amphibious kit
III: 43EgyptBMR-600
III: 43,45EgyptM60
III: 44EgyptPegaso 3046 truck
III: 45EgyptFahd 240, Fahd 280 
Fahd 240 with Kader Turret
III: 46EgyptT-55 Ramses
III: 46,59,60,64,66EgyptT-62
III: 47EgyptATS-59G w/ BM-21     
III: 47Egyptself-made M109 chassis w/ 122mm D30
III: 49SyriaTOS-1A 
TOS-1A Buratino
III: 49,60,61,67SyriaT-72
III: 50SyriaT-90
III: 50,54,56,57,59,67SyriaT-55
III: 51SyriaBREM-2 w/ 37mm 61-K
III: 51SyriaBM-30 Smerch 
BM-30 Smerch 9K58
III: 52SyriaSA-6 Gainful (on several platforms) 
SA-6 Gainful 2K12 Kub
III: 53,57Syria2S1 
2S1 Gvozdika Polen ⇒ Ukraine
III: 53Syria2S3 Akatsiya 
2S3M Akatsiya Similar type
III: 55SyriaBVP-1 Ambulance and command vehicle
III: 55SyriaBRDM-2 w/ ZU-23-2 and cage armourZU-23-2 on BRDM-2
III: 56SyriaSS-21 Scarab 9M79 Tochka 
III: 58SyriaBRDM-2 Police 
BRDM-2 Syrian Police
III: 58SyriaBuk-M2 
SA-11 Gadfly Buk-M1 Similar type
III: 61SyriaSA-6 Kub chassis w/ AZP S-60 
AZP S-60 on GM-578 (Kub)
III: 62SyriaPTS-2 
III: 62SyriaBM-27  
BM-27 Uragan 9P140 (mit 9M27)
III: 62SyriaBMP-2
III: 63SyriaBPM-97 Vystrel
III: 63SyriaT-72 Shafrah
III: 64SyriaBMPT-72 Terminator 2 
BMPT-72 Terminator-2
III: 65SyriaZSU-23-4 
ZSU 23-4 Shilka
III: 65SyriaAMB-S w/ ZSU-23 (ZSU-23-1)
III: 66SyriaShort Shoreland AC
III: 69,73IraqM113
III: 69,72IraqT-72
III: 70IraqT-55
III: 70IraqHumvee w/ ZU-23-2 w/ armor
III: 71IraqM53/59 w/ Norcano P793 (M1939 x 2)
III: 71IraqBTR-94 w/ 2xZU-23
III: 72,73IraqM1 Abrams
III: 74IraqOshkosh 60 M1070AO
III: 74IraqBMP-1A1 Ost
III: 75Iraq2K12 Kub SA-6 vehicle w/ BAU-23 turret of BTR-94
III: 77IraqAMX-10P 
III: 77IraqChieftain (Mk3/5)   
Chieftain Mk.2 Similar type , Chieftain Combo Mk 10+11 Similar type
III: 78IraqM113 w/ ZU-23-2 in turret 
ZU-23-2 on M113
III: 78HezbollahM113 w/ ZU-23-2 in turret 
ZU-23-2 on M113
III: 79IraqYW-531 / Type 63 w/ ZU-23
III: 79IraqBTR-152
III: 80,82IraqMT-LB w/ ZU-23-2 in turret
III: 80IraqT-72
III: 81IraqType 69 (Chinese T-55)
III: 81IraqT-55 w/ AZP S-60 
AZP S-60 on T-55
III: 82IraqBMP-2
III: 82IraqM113
III: 83IraqBTR-50 w/ ZU-23 in turret
III: 83IraqEE-9 CascavelEE-9 Cascavel
III: 85YemenM60
III: 85YemenRatel w/ BAU-23 turret
III: 86YemenT-54
III: 86YemenT-80 
III: 87YemenT-62
III: 87YemenM35 truck w/ M167 VADS (Vulcan from M163 or static) (also on BTR-152 and Toyota Hilux)
III: 88YemenM113
III: 88YemenSU-100 
SU-85 Similar type
III: 88YemenT-34-85
III: 89YemenATS-59 w/ D30 122mm
III: 89YemenBTR-152 w/ BTR-60 turret
III: 89YemenScud B  
III: 90YemenT-55
III: 90YemenT-72
III: 91YemenOshkosh M-ATV w/ ZU-23-2
III: 91YemenOshkosh M-ATV w/ BTR-80A turret
III: 93,94,97,99TurkeyM60, M60T Sabra 
M60T Sabra
III: 95,96,97TurkeyLeopard 2A4 
Leopard 2A4 Similar type
III: 95,101TurkeyM48T5 Tamay ARV
III: 96,101TurkeyM48
III: 98TurkeyM578 LRV (ARV) 
M578 LRV
III: 98TurkeyM113
III: 99TurkeyOtokar Cobra
III: 100TurkeyM113 w/ M45 Quadmount   
M113A2T1 Similar type
III: 100TurkeyBTR-60PBK
IV: 9IranM4A3 Sherman
IV: 9,10IranM36B1 Jackson
IV: 10IranM47
IV: 11IranM48
IV: 12,31IranChieftain   
Chieftain Mk.2 Similar type , Chieftain Combo Mk 10+11 Similar type
IV: 12IranFV101 Scorpion 
Scorpion FV101 (Neuseeland) Similar type
IV: 13IranM113
IV: 14IranM548 
M548A1 Similar type
IV: 14IranM577 
M577A1 GefStdPz Similar type
IV: 15IranM106
IV: 15,16IranM110
IV: 16IranM109
IV: 17IranM107
IV: 17IranM578 
M578 LRV
IV: 18IranZSU-57-2   
ZSU-57-2, ZSU-57-2
IV: 19IranZSU-23-4 
ZSU 23-4 Shilka
IV: 19IranUral-375 
IV: 20IranGAZ-66 
IV: 20,22IranMAZ-537 w/ M109, T-55
IV: 21IranKraZ-225B
IV: 22,24IranMack Tank Transporter
IV: 26IranM1978 Koksan by North Korea
IV: 26IranChonma-ho
IV: 27IranBM-11 MLRS
IV: 27IranM1985 MLRS from North Korea
IV: 28IranDAC665T truck
IV: 28IranIFA W50 (DDR truck) TankwagenIFA W50
IV: 29IranIFA W50 BM-21 MLRSBM-21 auf IFA W50
IV: 29IranM35 truck 
M35 2,5ton Truck
IV: 30Iran9P133 Malyutka
IV: 30IranT-54
IV: 31IranChieftain ARV
IV: 32IranBMP-1
IV: 33IranM47
IV: 33IranToyota FJ40 w/ ZPU-2
IV: 34IranUS M38 Jeep w/ M40 recoilless rifle 
Willys M38
IV: 34IranKM410 (North Korea copy of M38) w/ Type 63 MRLS 
KM410 w/Type 63 MLRS
IV: 35IranKM410 w/ recoilless rifle M40KM410 / K111 jeep
IV: 35,36IranFord Mutt M151 w/ TOW 
Ford M151 MUTT Similar type
IV: 36,37IranSantana 88 Ligero w/ M40 recoilless rifle
IV: 37IranFord Mutt M151 w/ type 63 MRLS 
Ford M151 MUTT w/ Type 63 MLRS
IV: 38IranToyota FJ40 w/ TOW
IV: 38IranUAZ-469
IV: 39IranM47 w/ ZPU-4 
ZPU-4 on M-47M
IV: 39IranT-55 w/ D-30 
T-55 Tiran mit 122mm D-30 Libanon/Iran
IV: 40IranT-55 w/ ZPU-4 
ZPU-4 on T-55
IV: 40IranPanhard M3 
IV: 41IranBTR-50PK w/ ZU-23-2 
ZU-23-2 on BTR-50P, PK
IV: 41IranBTR-50PK
IV: 42IranBTR-50PK w/ ZU-23-2 (Text says ZPU-2???)   
ZPU-4 on BTR-50P, PK, ZU-23-2 on BTR-50P, PK
IV: 42IranOT-62 Topas
IV: 43IranMT-LB w/ DShK 12,7mm
IV: 43IranBMP-1
IV: 44IranBMD-1
IV: 44Iran2S1 
2S1 Gvozdika Polen ⇒ Ukraine
IV: 45,46,47IranT-55
IV: 47,48IranT-62
IV: 48,49IranT-72
IV: 50Iran9P122 Malyutka
IV: 50IranFerret AC (al least 1 with ZU-23-2) 
Ferret Scout Car Mk 2 4x4, Ferret Scout Car w/ ZPU-2
IV: 51IranMT-LB w/ UB-32 
MT-LB UB-32 (S5/S8)
IV: 51IranTMM-3 bridgelayer
IV: 52IranGSP-55   
GSP-55 links, GSP-55 rechts
IV: 52,53,89,90IranScud B 
IV: 53IranNun-nunM-325 Nun-nun
IV: 55IraqBAV-485 / ZIS-485 (DUKW on ZIS-151 chassis) 
IV: 55IraqUAZ-469 w/ Cobra ATGM
IV: 56IraqUAZ.469
IV: 56IraqGAZ-69
IV: 57IraqYugoslav M-60
IV: 58IraqT-55
IV: 58IraqHungary P SzH-IV (D-994, FUG)
IV: 59IraqOT-64
IV: 60IraqAML-90 
AML-90 Israel
IV: 60,61IraqPanhard M3  
IV: 61IraqAML-60 
AML-90 Israel
IV: 62IraqBTR-60PB
IV: 62IraqPT-76 
IV: 63IraqType 69-II
IV: 63IraqType 653 ARV
IV: 64IraqPanhard M3 VTT 
M-3 APC Similar type
IV: 65IraqMT-55 KS Bridgelayer 
IV: 65IraqBTR-60R-145BM (…1V19, 1V18)
IV: 66IraqT-62
IV: 66IraqKraZ-225B
IV: 67IraqPTS-2 w/ IFA W50 
IV: 67IraqYW-531 (Type 63) 
IV: 68Iraq2S3 
2S3M Akatsiya Similar type
IV: 68IraqAPRA-40 w/ BM-21 MRLS
IV: 69IraqBM-21 
BM-21 Grad
IV: 69IraqM577 
M577A1 GefStdPz Similar type
IV: 70IraqGAZ-66DD_53B
IV: 70,71IraqIFA W50IFA W50
IV: 71IraqJVBT-55KS ARV 
JVBT-55A Big Bull / Kranpanzer T-55TK
IV: 72IraqWZT-2 ARV
IV: 72IraqSA-2 
IV: 73IraqZIL-135 Frog-7 
9P113 TEL w/9M21 Rocket (Luna-M)
IV: 74IraqSA-6 2K12 Kub 
SA-6 Gainful 2K12 Kub
IV: 74IraqSA-8 9K33 Gecko 
SA-8 Gecko OSA-AKM
IV: 75,92IraqBRDM-2 SA-9 Gaskin   
9K31 Strela-1 SA-9 Gaskin
IV: 75IraqMT-LB SA-13 Gopher 
SA-13 Gopher (9K35 Strela-10) on MT-LB als ukrainische Beute Similar type
IV: 76IraqMAN 8x8 w/ Roland 2 
Roland FlaRakRad auf MAN
IV: 76IraqAMX-30R Roland 
AMX 30 Roland
IV: 77IraqAMX AuF1 155mm 
AMX 30 AuF1
IV: 78IraqAMX-30D ARV 
IV: 78,80IraqFaun Herkules 
Faun L912/SA Zugmaschine Similar type
IV: 79IraqAMX-10P 
IV: 82IraqUnimog
geschlossene Kabine, geschlossenes Verdeck/Aufbau
IV: 83IraqBrazil Astros II MRLS
IV: 83IraqEE-11 Urutu 
EE-11 Urutu
IV: 84IraqZIL-131
IV: 85IraqGAZ-66 
IV: 85,86IraqT-72
IV: 86IraqAT-T
IV: 87IraqATS-59 
IV: 87IraqP-40 1S12 
P-40 1S12 (Long Track)
IV: 88Iraq1V13 
MT-LBu 1V13 m1980 fire control complex
IV: 89IraqMT-LB KShM-R Delfin
IV: 91IraqYW-750, YW-751
IV: 92IraqG5 155mm Howitzer
IV: 93,102IraqBRDM-2
IV: 93,94IraqType 653 ARV
IV: 95,102IraqBMD-1
IV: 95IraqType 69-II
IV: 96IraqT-55 Enigma 
T-55 Enigma
IV: 96IraqOT-62 Topas
IV: 97IraqMT-LB
IV: 98IraqMT-LB w/ ZU-23 turret
IV: 98IraqT-55 w/ Mortar
IV: 99IraqT-55 ARV
IV: 99IraqOT-62 Topas w/ EE-9 Cascavel turret
IV: 100IraqM901 (M113 w/ TOW)
IV: 100IraqLand Rover
IV: 101IraqBTR-50PK w/ ZU-23-2 
ZU-23-2 on BTR-50P, PK
IV: 101IraqOTR-21 Tochka
IV: 103IraqGAZ-66 MRLS 
9K54 Grad-V (Gaz-66 BM-21)
IV: 103IraqWZT-2 ARV
IV: 105IranEE-9 CascavelEE-9 Cascavel
IV: 105IranLand Rover w/ recoilless gun
IV: 106IranWZT-2 ARV
IV: 106IranYW-751
IV: 107,108IranChieftain   
Chieftain Mk.2 Similar type , Chieftain Combo Mk 10+11 Similar type
IV: 108,109IranChieftain ARV
IV: 109,110IranT-55
IV: 110IranT-55 w/ Chinese 130mm SPG
IV: 111IranM109
IV: 111IranT-72


(1766) AK Modern Conflicts Profile Guide Vol.I Middle East Wars 1948-1973, by Pere Valls, Zachary Sex
(1767) AK Modern Conflicts Profile Guide Vol.II The Lebanese Civil War 1975-1991 and beyond, by Bassel Abi-Chahine, Zachary Sex
(1768) AK Modern Conflicts Profile Guide Vol.III Arab Revolutions and Border Wars 1980-2018, by Pere Valls, Zachary Sex
(1769) AK Modern Conflicts Profile Guide Vol.IV The Iran Iraq Wars 1980-1988, by Zachary Sex

lime: Excellent source, hardly any errors
green: Very good source, only very few errors
black or blue: Quality of this source is not yet mentioned
orange: Good source, some errors
red: Source cmay ontain some true facts. All facts need to be checked.

A list of used references is in More topics/Literature
Information from Wikipedia is not always listed explicitly.

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