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Morris C8 Quad

Morris C8 Quad + 25 pdr gun Mk1-2 carriage, Ordnance QF 25-pounder (87.6 mm), Morris C8 Quad
Box art Morris C8 Quad, Morris C8 Quad + 25 pdr gun Mk1-2 carriage, Ordnance QF 25-pounder (87.6 mm)

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Base typeMorris C8 Morris C8 Quad
Kit manufacturerItaleri (Italeri:) Website:
Origin countryGB Parent category: Europe
Operator countryGB Germany Netherlands Canada Australia Parent category: Europe, North America, Ozeanien, ,
Build era0 (not yet built)
TopicsPassenger Car Truck 4-wheel (Ground Equipment:) Vehicles
Parent category: Ground vehicle, Ground Equipment, drive-train, ,
Aera of useWW2 (WW2:) second world war
BaseVehicleGround Equipment
Referenced by Morris C8 Quad + 25 pdr gun Mk1-2 carriage
> Same base or sthg. the like on Morris C8 ( Show/hide: [+])
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Morris C8 4x4 Airborne Tractor 17pdr
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