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2S9 Nona

2S9 Nona
Box art 2S9 Nona

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Base typeBTR-D (BTR-D:)
Parent category: BMD-1, BMD
Kit manufacturerACE
Origin countrySU Parent category: Asia, Europe
Operator countryAzerbaijan Belarus China Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Moldova SU Syria Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan Venezuela Parent category: Asia, Europe, Kirgistan, Latin America, , , , , , , , , ,
Build era0 (not yet built)
TopicsArtillery Tank (Ground Equipment:) Vehicles
Parent category: Gun, Ground Equipment, Armoured Vehicle, Ground vehicle
Aera of useafterwar
BaseVehicleGround Equipment
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [-])
Kit Combination BTR-D with YakB 12.7 rotary machine gun from Mi-24 Gunship
Model BTR-RD Robot
BTR-RD Robot
Kit Combination BTR-RD with ZPU-1
BTR-RD with ZPU-1 class=BTR-D ZPU
Model BTR-MD Rakushka
BTR-MD Rakushka class=BTR-D BMD-4
Model BTR-ZD Skrezhet
BTR-ZD Skrezhet
Model BTR-ZD Skrezhet with ZU-23-2
BTR-ZD Skrezhet with ZU-23-2 class=BTR-D ZU-23-2

Comparable entries in this category

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