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SMS Emden 1/700

SMS Dresden, SMS Emden
Schachtelinhalt SMS Emden, SMS Dresden

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BasistypDresden class
Ferner referenziert in Landeslisten (als ähnlich) als: (Deutsch): Königsberg class, Kolberg class
KitherstellerClassic Warships
HerstellerlandDeutsch Übergeordnete Kategorie: Europa
BetreiberlandDeutsch Übergeordnete Kategorie: Europa
Bauepoche0 (ungebaut)
ThemenKreuzer (Schiff:) Navies: Zur Liste aller Schiffsklassen der Länder
BetriebsaeraPre1914 WkI
FarbenZitat von Facebook Joseph Lavender 17.07.2022 in der privaten Gruppe Warships of WW1: Emden, a bit of a specialty of mine. The bow and stern decks, as well as the deck above the bridge, the bridge wings, exposed stair treads, flying deck, the deck where the funnels and the compass platform were linoleum, held down with 2inch brass tack strips. The searchlight platforms were bare steel with tread painted dark grey. The main deck was planked with teak. Also the deck below the guns on the extreme ends were teak. Since the two ships, Emden and Dresden used different propulsion plants, the deck arrangement on Dresden was different from Emden. The coaling chutes are in different positions on both ships, and Dresden has a slightly different steam pipe arrangement on the funnels. The spare propeller blades were carried on the main deck for both ships.
After the declaration of war was received, most flammable items were chucked over the side. The crew followed the orders a little too literally, however, and all of the officer’s wardroom furniture was chucked, including their wood chairs. This was a bit of an issue because the officers had nowhere to sit. It was noted that next time, a little more common sense should be exercised. However, the linoleum and wood decks remain in place.
As for paint schemes, it’s often assumed she was painted in the white and buff colonial service scheme, but that was LONG gone by 1914. In fact the the buff scheme was ordered to be painted out in May 1910, being replaced with Scheme 9, the two tone grey scheme. It is believed by some that Emden was painted in a single tone scheme prior to the raiding mission. Both Mücke and Müller mention a repainting but sadly they don’t state if they used the scheme 9 standard, or something monotone in order to pass as a Royal Navy ship as she did later on. It’s a little confusing, and photos of the wreck are no help.(1698)
> Gleiche Basis, Schwesterschiffe etc. ( Anzeigen/verstecken: [+])
Modell SMS Dresden
SMS Dresden, SMS Emden
Modell SMS Emden 1908/14
SMS Emden 1908/14
Selbst oder über die Klasse aufgeführt in Ostsee 1914: Minenoperation und Scharmützel (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) (... Aufklappen für Weitere:)[+]Kaperfahrt der Emden 1914 Verlust der Magdeburg 25.8.1914 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Seegefecht bei Helgoland 28.8.1914 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Belagerung von Tsingtau, 2.9.-7.11.1914 Schlacht von Coronel, 1.11.1914 Yarmouth Raid 3.11.1914 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Schlacht von Falkland, 8.12.1914 Raid on Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby 16.12.1914 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Einnahme Libau 7.5.1915 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Backofen-Leuchtturm (Uzava), 19.6.1915 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Gefecht vor Windau 28.6.1915 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Gotland-Raid, 2.7.1915 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Vorstoß in die Rigaer Bucht (inkl Schlacht in der Irbenstr.), 8.-19.8.1915 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Beschießung von Baltischport (Paldiski), 10./11.11.1916 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Operation Albion, Landung auf Moon, Ösel, Dagö, 12.-20.10.1917 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff) Finnland-Intervention, März-Dezember 1918 (nur ein ähnliches Schiff)

Vergleichbares in dieser Kategorie


(1698) Answer of Joseph Lavander on the deck colour question in Facebook Group Warships of WW1, 17.07.2022

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