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Gloster Meteor III

Gloster Meteor III
Gloster Meteor III

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Base typeMeteor
Kit manufacturerAirfix (Airfix:) Website:
A/c manufacturerGloster
Origin countryGB Parent category: Europe
Operator countryGB Parent category: Europe
Build era1 (Child, 60/70s)
TopicsEarly-Jet-Era fighter fighter-bomber Parent category: Aircraft, bomber, ,
Aera of useWW2 afterwar (WW2:) second world war
TextENNo. 616 'South Yorkshire' (Fighter) Squadron YQ Q; EE239
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [-])
Model Gloster Meteor I
Gloster Meteor I
Model Gloster Meteor III
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Model Gloster Meteor NF14,12,11
Gloster Meteor  NF14,12,11
Model Gloster Meteor F.Mk.1 EE227 Trent (Turboprop)
Martin-Baker MB5, Gloster Meteor F.Mk.1 EE227 Trent (Turboprop) One-off engine test bed, converted from former operation F.1 serial number EE227, for the Rolls-Royce Trent turboprop engine making it the world's first turboprop-powered aircraft.http://120 The undercarriage was lengthened to give ground clearance for the initial 7 ft 7 inch Rotoal airscrews. First flying ...

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