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Augsburg F222 1/700

Augsburg F222
Augsburg F222

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Base typeF120
Furthermore referenced in country lists as: (Turkey): 120 (Köln) class, (Germany): Klasse F120 Köln (Geleitboot 55)
Kit manufacturerNNT
Origin countryGermany Parent category: Europe
Operator countryGermany For the class: Germany Turkey Parent category: Europe, Asia,
TopicsDestroyer (Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
Parent category: Ship
Aera of useafterwar
TextENThe frigates of the Köln class together with the destroyers of the Hamburg class were the first new designs of the Bundesmarine (Afterwar Navy of Germany). First called Escort Vessels 55 they were finally clasified as frigates. The Augsburg served 1962 till 1988.

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Augsburg F222, Tiger P6063 1958/76
Augsburg F222, Tiger P6063 1958/76

Augsburg F222
Box art Augsburg F222

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