31 entries found
Sd.Kfz. 2 Kettenkrad BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 17.11.2013 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Academy , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle Half-track , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
BMW R75 mit Beiwagen BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 1 (Child, 60/70s) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Eidai , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Flak SdAnh. 52 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , built: 24.11.2022 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Revell , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Sd.Anh.24, 31 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: black dog , topics: Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Sd.Anh. 51 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Preiser , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Sd.Anh. 52 für 2cm Flakvierling BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: ModellTrans , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Anhänger WTCT6 für DUKW und LVT BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: PlayMoreIt3D , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Trailer Amphibious 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
V2 Service-Leiter BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: 3D-Print schematic model , kit manufacturer: Bill's Models Shapeways , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Vespa BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Italy , origin country: Italy , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: PlayMoreIt3D , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Model
VW Schwimmwagen und Kettenkrad BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Hasegawa , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Passenger Car Amphibious Bicycle or Motorcycle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Light Vehicles of Allied & Axis during WW2 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Willys Jeep Kettenkrad VW Kübel , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: United States of America Germany , origin country: United States of America Germany , kit manufacturer: Academy , topics: Passenger Car Bicycle or Motorcycle Half-track , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
ZIS-10 Sattelschlepper BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: ZIS-5 , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: SU , origin country: SU , kit manufacturer: PST , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Truck 4-wheel Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: time(1938-1941;1945) , DBTyp: Model
Zündapp KS750 mit Beiwagen BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: 3D-Print , kit manufacturer: PlayMoreIt3D , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Pferdewagen 2-Rad BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Leva Productions , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
BMW R12 mit Beiwagen BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Zvezda , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Fahrzeugwrack Hänger BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: DioHistory , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Flak SdAnh. 202 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Revell , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Leiteranhänger BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: 3D-Print schematic model , kit manufacturer: Panzerfabrik 144 Shapeways , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Trailer Engineering Vehicle 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
NSU Spreng Kettenkrad BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Schatton , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle Half-track Engineering Vehicle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Ölwagen Luftwaffe BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Resin , kit manufacturer: Pelv , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Flak 36 8,8cm BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Flak 8,8cm 18/36/37 , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany ..., origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Airfix , Scale: 1/76 , topics: anti-aircraft Trailer 2-wheel 4-wheel (2x2) , aera of use: Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
HQ-1, HQ-2, HQ-3, HQ-4 BaseVehicle: Aircraft Ground Equipment , base type: HQ-1 HQ-2 HQ-3 HQ-4 {{eval IS(origin country, SU)}} SA-2 {{eval IS(origin country,Iran)}} Sayyad-1 , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: China Iran Pakistan , origin country: China Iran , topics: guided missile anti-aircraft Truck 6-wheel Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: afterwar , DBTyp: Type Definition
Sd.Kfz. 2 Kettenkrad BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Hasegawa , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle Half-track , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Harley Davidson WLA BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: United States of America Japan SU Germany , origin country: United States of America Japan SU Germany , kit manufacturer: Fujimi Nitto , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle , aera of use: Production time(1940-1952) ..., DBTyp: Model
BMW R75 mit Beiwagen BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Nitto , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
BMW R75 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Dragon , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
BMW R75 BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , kit manufacturer: Matchbox , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Queen Mary trailer with Bedford tractor BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , base type: Bedford OX Queen Mary trailer , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , kit manufacturer: Airfix , Scale: 1/76 , topics: Truck 4-wheel Trailer 2-wheel , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Motorcycle - 500CC BaseVehicle: Ground Equipment , build era: 0 (not yet built) , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , kit manufacturer: Airfix , Scale: 1/72 , topics: Bicycle or Motorcycle , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
31 entries shown |