44 entries found
ZG3 Hermes BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: GH Class Destroyer , built: 21.12.2015 , operator country: Greece Germany ..., origin country: GB Greece ..., Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Primauguet BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Duguay Trouin 1926 class , built: 9.12.2015 , operator country: France , origin country: France , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Michel HSK9 1942 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 3.9.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
M-Boot Typ 43 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 25.12.2015 , operator country: Germany ..., origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell Metall , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Minesweeper , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Maxim Gorkij BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Kirov class Prj26 , built: 25.12.2015 , operator country: SU , origin country: SU , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: time(1940-1955) ..., DBTyp: Model
Leone 1939 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 21.12.2015 , operator country: Italy , origin country: Italy , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Lampo 1932 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Folgore class , built: 19.12.2015 , operator country: Italy ..., origin country: Italy , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
R130-R150 Minenräumboot BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 14.4.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Minesweeper Small combattants , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
R401 1944 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 7.4.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Minesweeper Small combattants , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Raubvogel class BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Torpedoboot Typ 23 Raubvogelklasse , built: 31.12.2015 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Widder HSK3 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 24.7.2016 , operator country: Germany , origin country: Germany , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
USS Williamson AVD-2 ex DD-244 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Clemson AVD conversion , built: 28.2.2016 , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 ..., DBTyp: Model
USS Tahoma WPG-80 1942 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Algonquin class cutters , built: 7.4.2016 , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
USS Scout 1944 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Admirable class , built: 28.4.2016 , operator country: United States of America ..., origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Minesweeper ..., aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
USS Breckinridge DD-148 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Wickes Class , built: 17.1.2016 , operator country: United States of America ..., origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: WWI Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
USS Barnegat AVP-10 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Barnegat class , built: 27.3.2016 , operator country: United States of America ..., origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Flight Operation Support Ship ..., aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
USCGC Tampa WPG-48 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Tampa class , built: 6.3.2016 , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Soldati class BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Soldati I class , built: 19.1.2016 , operator country: Italy SU ..., origin country: Italy , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
K3 1942 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Dutch Kanoneerbooten Design 1937 , built: 17.3.2016 , operator country: Germany Netherlands , origin country: Netherlands , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Jeanne d'Arc 1938 BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 30.3.2016 , operator country: France , origin country: France , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Empire MacRae 1943 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: MAC Aircraft carrier , built: 6.3.2016 , operator country: GB Netherlands , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Aircraft carrier , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Dante Alighieri BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 19.12.2015 , operator country: Italy , origin country: Italy , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Battleship , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI Interwar , DBTyp: Model
Colbert 1942 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Suffren class , built: 18.12.2015 , operator country: France , origin country: France , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Cruiser , aera of use: Interwar WW2 ..., DBTyp: Model
Benedetto Brin BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Regina Margherita class , built: 19.12.2015 , operator country: Italy , origin country: Italy , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Battleship , aera of use: Pre1914 WWI , DBTyp: Model
Freccia BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Freccia class , built: 19.12.2015 , operator country: ..., origin country: Italy , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Fugas T-204 1939 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Fugas class Pj3 , built: 24.1.2016 , operator country: SU , origin country: SU , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Minesweeper Destroyer , aera of use: WW2 , DBTyp: Model
HMS Tyne 1942 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Hecla class , built: 6.2.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Ship , aera of use: time(1941-1973) , DBTyp: Model
HMS Shoreham BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Shoreham class , built: 7.2.2016 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
HMS Inglefield D02 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: I Class , built: 11.3.2016 , operator country: GB ..., origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: ..., DBTyp: Model
HMS Erin 1/1250 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Erin class , built: 19.12.2015 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB Turkey , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Battleship , aera of use: WWI , DBTyp: Model
HMS Brissenden BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Hunt-IV-Destroyer , built: 26.12.2015 , operator country: GB , origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
HMS Bangor J00 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Bangor class , built: 7.4.2016 , operator country: GB Norway ..., origin country: GB , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Minesweeper Destroyer , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Hermann von Wissmann BaseVehicle: Ship , built: 24.1.2016 , operator country: Germany GB Belgium , origin country: Netherlands Poland , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Ship , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
Gabbiano BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Gabbiano class , built: 12.12.2015 , operator country: Italy Germany , origin country: Italy , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: WW2 afterwar , DBTyp: Model
USS Selfridge DD-357 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Porter class , built: 19.12.2015 , operator country: United States of America , origin country: United States of America , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: Interwar WW2 , DBTyp: Model
Baku 1939 BaseVehicle: Ship , base type: Leningrad class 38 bis class , built: 21.12.2015 , operator country: SU , origin country: SU , Material: Fertigmodell , kit manufacturer: Neptun , Scale: 1/1250 , topics: Destroyer , aera of use: time(1939-1956) , DBTyp: Model
44 entries shown |